Yokai Academy

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I looked outside as the bus I just got on took me to my new high school, Yokai Academy.

My parents enrolled me into Yokai Academy after they found this pamphlet just lying on the ground. You see, they thought it looked like a really good opportunity for me to get into a good high school.

I sighed, they never ask me what I want to do. They always decide for me.

Then, the bus went into a tunnel and was engulfed in a bright light. Before I knew it, the bus was on the other side and had stopped.

"This is your stop kid." I got up and walked out of the bus. "Good luck staying here." And with that the bus turned around and left. Good luck with staying here? Is it that hard to be enrolled in this school? Or do I look like I'm not smart enough?

I looked over and found a scarecrow with a pumpkin as its head. And let me tell you, it was creepy looking. The pumpkin had this jagged, eerie grin on it's face and wore a tattered, brown cloth over itself.

I took out the map that my mom had given me and made my way to the school. As soon as I hit the huge forest that surrounded it, I got lost.

"Ugh, isn't there any easier way to get there!" I yelled to myself.

That's when I heard something. The sound of a bike? I looked over to see a bike speeding towards me.

Ah crap! I tried jumping out of the way of the bike, but, to no avail, it crashed right into me.

"Ow, what is wrong with you?! Speeding like that is dangerous!"

I looked at the person who rode the bike. He had short, black hair (Yes, I'm making Inuyasha have short hair. :P) with chocolate brown eyes just like me. The thing that entranced me the most was the choker he had on. It had black and white beads. The white beads looked like little fangs, while the black just looked like ordinary beads, and a silver chain led down to a sphere shaped, milky pink jewel that could fit in the palm of my hand.

"Oi, you should watch where you're going!" Can you believe this dude?! He was the one that crashed into me!

"Well I'm sorry, but the last time I checked, people don't watch for bikes that go speeding through the forest!"

He scoffed. "Keh, it's not like you can't take it. You'll survive." This guy has attitude problems.

Ignoring his last comment, I decided to introduce myself. "Well, anyway, I'm Kagome. What's your name?"

He raised his eyebrow and gruffly said,"Inuyasha."

"Now that I finally know Mr. Run-People-Over's name, are you on your way to Yokai Academy?"

"It's not my fault you don't watch where your going, and I am. Why are you lost?"

He smirked very annoyingly. My eye twitched a little, showing my annoyance. I sighed,"I hate to admit this, but yeah I'm lost. I need directions."

"Just follow the path, stupid."

"I'm stupid?! You're the jerk going around speeding on a bike!"

"And you're the one stupid enough to just stand there like a dumb ass."

I sighed in frustration, this guy is so...so...ugh! I have no words to describe him.

"You know what, lets just forget it. I don't want to be late for the first day of school, so lets just walk on the path together."

I knew I would probably get nowhere arguing with him, so I decided to try and change the subject.

"Keh, fine." And with that we started to trek our way to school.

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