1. Twist and turns and oops im self-projecting again

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Trigger warning: self harm, implied abuse.

Half-way through his seventh-grade year, Keith Kogane was diagnosed with depression, and this caused a lot of issues around him. The few friends he did have politely decided to part ways (they dipped because they didn't want to be around him when it got bad) and it was hard for his mom who had already been through a lot. Not even to mention the teachers at school. There was one teacher in particular that absolutely disliked Keith for seemingly no reason. Though the reason was never quite specified, Keith is sure it's because he's a smartass and doesn't watch his mouth, but you know how it is. 

There was this one time in this teacher's class that he had done a math equation wrong: a simple mistake in the order of operations (pemdas). Keith tried- politely- to corrected him, but the teacher's pride was too high to be corrected by a thirteen-year-old boy. "Mr. Kogane, if you would not correct me, please. It would be greatly appreciated." His teacher spat, clearly annoyed.  "But you didn't do the question right-" Keith had started. "Kogane," the teacher warned, "that's enough." "I'm just tryi-" "One more word from you and you're going to be in serious trouble!" he yelled, knocking all the kids in the room silent. "Dude, I was only correcting you because it was wrong and don't we have a quiz over this?" Keith shot back, "Would you rather all your students fail because of a mistake you, the teacher, made?"  "Office. NOW!" "Whatever," Keith grabbed his bag and walked out to the office like the good kid he is; yeah, he definitely didn't do that, instead he waited out in the football field till administrators hunted him down. 

After a very long, and annoying, talk about "respecting teachers" and "knowing your place as a student" he was given 3 days suspension. Shortly after, his dad picked him up. Immediately after Keith got in the car, it was hell. "Why the fuck would you correct your teacher? Are you fucking dumb?" his dad asked. "Well, I was-" "It was a rhetorical question, God." he sighed. Keith rolled his eyes and looked out the window. "Is mom home yet?" he asked, "No. working late." "Great,"
Keith mumbled.

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"Come here you little shit!" His dad yelled, as took off to his room, "No thanks, I've got to clean my roo- Hey!" He grabbed Keith by the hair. "Stop that! It hurts!" Keith yelled. His dad threw him into the wall. "Dad, stop it! I-i really am sor-" A slap to the face. "Shut up! You worthless son of a bitch!" Another slap. "I wish your mother wouldn't have had you. All you do is bitch and complain and cry and whine and get in trouble!" his dad yelled, "God, can you do anything right?" with another shove into the wall, his dad stormed off leaving Keith sat against the wall crying with a bloody nose.

                                                                *        *         *

"It's not like they care about you Keith."  a small, prodding voice in the back of his mind whispered to him.  "No, you're wrong they love me." he reminded himself.  "No, Keith you the one who's wrong. Think about it, mom doesn't care that you show up with bruises or bloody noses, does she? Your father never really seemed to care; your brother ignores you and you don't even have friends. So, what do you really have to lose? " "Nothing I guess."  "Do it, Keith. You'll feel better, I promise."  He gave into the sickening thoughts. It's almost midnight, his parents should be asleep by now. Keith made his way to his art room down the hall; he pulled the pencil sharpener out and unscrewed the blade. He sat on the floor and held the blade to his wrist and hesitation crossed him, but he ignored it because... what if this would help? What if this would make the pain hurt less? He swiped the blade across his forearm. Watching the blood come out was oddly comforting and he felt like he finally had control of something in his messed-up life. He did it again, and again, and then it hit him what he'd done. He threw the blade back in the box and put his arm against his chest. "What the fuck did i do?"


i HATE how this is written, but some of you seem to love the story judging from the fact that people are putting this in their favorites library (thanks so much btw!) 

so in honor of me loving you guys sm, I'm going to fix this book. Subtle changes to the wording here and there, major changes in vocabulary and personalities over there and blah blah blah RAHHHHHH im sure u understand, so if youre re-reading lmk if you find this better than before!!

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