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I am so so so so so so soooooo sorry that it's taken me so long to update this story. I've been stuck on how to continue it, and I never meant to keep y'all waiting so long for an update. Please, forgive my stupidity. And here's the next chapter. There's only gonna be one more after this one, so, yeah...


It had been a week since the cure had been administered to the team, and today was the day that Robin and Artemis where finally allowed out of the med bay. However the two of them were still extremely weak from the poison and were confined to wheelchairs, which neither was happy about.

The team had also been more downcast since the poisoning and witnessing one of Robin's night terrors, and their mentors were extremely worried for them. So, they decided to do another therapy session. First a group on then individual ones.


Robin was pushed into the therapy room by Kaldur, and he was wishing to be with Bruce and Barbra.

Walley was helping Artemis out and it was nice to see them so docile to each other, but neither he nor Artemis had much energy to do anything, let alone have arguments.

The rest of the team was already sitting in the circle Canary had prepared, and so Robin and Artemis were parked in their spots and their drivers took their own seats and the room then was enveloped by an uneasy silence.

Canary sighed, "look. I'm not sure if you were told why we're doing this today, but even if you were I feel like I should still say it." Everyone glanced at her as she took a breath, "you're all here today so we can talk about what you experienced from the poison."

Everyone froze at her words, and both Robin and Artemis simultaneously gripped the armrests of their wheelchairs tighter.

"I know it might be hard to talk about," Canary immediately followed having seen the terror filled reactions from the team and wishing to prevent any panicked attacks or flashbacks. "However we cannot help you move past this if we do not know what it is that you went through exactly, because we can tell something happened to you while you were poisoned."

Canary then stopped and glanced at all the teens, they were all still stiff and Artemis and Robin looked pale still, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them beginning to relax. She waited for one of them to break the heavy silence, knowing that was the only way for them to really open up. She knew one of them would do it eventually, but she never would've expected that the person to break it to be Artemis.

"After the bomb went off, it was like everything was on fire." The girl began and Canary held back her shock from the usually tight lipped archers words, "I've never felt anything so wrong before."

Then Connor spoke next, "the pain of having every part of my body was worse than Kryptonite. It was like I was being burned alive," Wally spoke quietly after Connor.

"Being burned alive feels completely different than that pain that overtook our bodies. When you're burned alive, the pain is more intense on your skin. You feel it as it slowly begins to blister and split before it eventually burns and cooks your insides. This-this was like the opposite of that. Our insides boiling and tearing themselves apart slowly, so slowly that the pain was agonizing."

Kaldur pulled his jacket tighter around him, "my people are vulnerable to fire and heat. But I have never felt anything like that, because there was simply nothing I could do. As the pain intensified, I felt weaker and weaker. Trapped in a black void as red flames began to enclose me, making it impossible for me to try and counter the agony."

Megan took a shuddering breath and pulled her knees to her chest and Canary was surprised to find the girl wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt, "but the pain went down. One minute there was nothing but slow agony, the next it was just horrible-horrible nightmares. Like every fear I've ever had suddenly decided to come into light, it was almost like facing off against Simon and having him see my fears."

Then a voice spoke, it was so quiet it was practically nonexistent. But with the room so dead silent, everyone heard it clear as day and they all turned to look at the small raven haired boy as he spoke.

"The pain never went away, it was always there. The nightmare prison that our consciousnesses got trapped in didn't spare us from the pain, didn't block the progression of the poison as it progressed. I felt every organ eating itself up, felt as my muscles began to tear themselves apart just to satisfy the poisons twisted needs, felt as the internal bleeding began, and I felt and tasted all the bile and blood that came out of my mouth.

It was a poison that I thought I destroyed months ago, it was designed to be a fast acting one. It tore apart our bodies because it's lifespan was lengthened, and it was absolute hell."

Everyone in the room stared at both Artemis and Robin as the boy wonders words seemed to echo around the room, the horror setting in their stomachs at the realization that their powers has drastically decreased the poisons effects on their bodies and they only experienced a fraction of its true brutality.

Canary took a very shaky breath before she continued, "t-thank you for sharing. I-I have to do individual evaluations now, and I think it would be best to start with either Robin or Artemis."

"I-I'll go first, I'm not sure if I'll be able to convince myself to talk about it if I don't do it now."

Everyone felt sadness in their hearts at Robin's words, but they understood what he meant. He had suffered worse then they had save Artemis, and he looked about ready to start hyperventilating. It would be best if they let him do this.

The rest of the team just stood up and somberly left the room, knowing this could take a bit of time.


After the door slid closed, Canary slipped out of her chair and walked over to Robin. Kneeling next to the boy she was surprised when she suddenly found his arms around her neck and him hugging her as his body began to shake.

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back, noticing how her shirt suddenly was getting damp. She then carefully picked up Robin and then sat back down in the chair while holding him.

"Robin? What else happened to you?" She gently asked him and then the poor boy began to spill everything, and it actually hurt her to hear what he had to go through.

"It was like almost every other night terror I've ever had, but so much worse. I saw my parents falling to their deaths, but they chose to jump after they told me that I was a worthless excuse of a son and that they didn't want to live with me because I was an embarrassment to them."

Canary held him tighter, "you know that's not true Robin." He scoffed and she gently tilted his head up to meet her gaze. "When you were poisoned, your brothers were worried sick, and kicking themselves for being idiotic morons as Batgirl put it. I might not know what you've been through with them, but I do know that they want to try and make things better."

Robin sighed, "and I believe that if you want to move on from this. You're gonna have to let them try, you're gonna have to try and fix your relationships with you brothers."

Robin nodded, "ok."

She smiled and then stood up and gently placed Robin back into his wheelchair, then she pushed him outside of the room and to the living room.

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