Can we Save them?

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It had been a week, a week of nonstop searching. They were running out of time, today was their last day with speedster blood in stock. Today was their last chance to save the team, and everyone was feeling the pressure.

"Damn it!" Jason Said, as another simulation failed. Batgirl looked over to him, and sighed. She left her monitor and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jason, it'll be alright. We will save them, we won't let them die." She said kindly, and he just looked at her in defeat.

"It's been a week, one week. A week since I learned what happens to him at school, and of his needs. The others still are too stubborn to admit it, save Tim, he believes that Dickie has Anorexia. I just want to make things right with him, he's always been there to help us.

I've been doing a lot of thinking this past week, and you're right. He does so much for us, so much. We just never realized it, I didn't even realize it till it was possibly to late. He's always been there, whether it be in or out of masks.

Looking back, his shadow was always nearby when we started out on patrol. His figure always lurking near our rooms, always in the shadows when we train, always there for us, and never once complaining about him having to help us.

He even learned languages we know best so he could talk with us, and they are hard. Learning Arabic, Sign language, and street slang. Yet, we never once bothered to learn Romani for him." Jason Said, as he held his head in shame.

"Hey, I could teach you Romani if you'd like. Robin taught me, it was the first language he taught me actually." Batgirl Said, and Jason looked at her.

"I would appreciate that, I want to start being there for him. I owe him that much, he's a god damn Golden Boy, the perfect child. I want to show him that I do care, that I do love him." Batgirl smiled at his words.

"He's wanted nothing else for the past four years, so, while we search for the cure, I will teach you Romani." Batgirl Said, as she plugged in another formula. Then her and Jason got to work, her teaching him Dicks first language.


His body felt like cement, and his head was hurting. Well, everything was hurting. But now was not the time for that, he had to help them. His team needed a cure, and he was the only one who even knew of a possible one.

So he sat up, looking around, he saw Tim and Damien. Clenching his jaw, he looked around at his teammates. Artemis looked the worst, and the others only seemed to be in a painful sleep.

Steeling his nerves, Dick swung his legs over the edge of the bed, then ripped out the stuff in his arm. Then he got up, and had to hold back sick.

"Robin, What are you doing up? You should be asleep, how are you awake?" Asked Damien, and Tobin just walked forward. Completely ignoring his pain, and needs.

"Robin, please. You have to lye down, your body can't handle physical exertion right now." Tim Said, but Robin kept walking. He made his way to the area where the computer screens were, and saw Jason and Babs on them.

He just kept walking forward, he had to do this. Everything was spinning, and he felt hot. But he refused to stop, he had to save lives, his own didn't matter.

"Dick, what the hell are you doing up?!" Jason Said, but Dick just pushed him aside, and started typing on the computer.

"Wait, he's been asleep for like a week. His Insomnia probably is acting up, Wait, that means." Batgirl Said, before she bolted to find Bruce. Leaving the bat brothers alone, and leaving Dick alone.

"Richard, you have to lie down." Damien Said, but all he got was silence from Dick.

"Please, we are trying to save you. You're dying Dick, and we are trying to save you." Tim Said, Dick wanted to respond, but he needed to conserve energy. He was almost done, he had to get this written down.

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