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The team was forced to stay in the med bay that night, so they could be sure everything was alright. Artemis and Robin have yet to wake up, however, the two look better and better every minute.

The members who were conscious were discussing just random stuff, trying to pass time, and ease their anxiety. However, everything changed when Robin started screaming.

This startled them so much, and they were petrified. Robin never has screamed, even when he's gotten injured. They've never heard him scared or even weak, till now. Robin's screams were those of pure terror, he was thrashing around in the bed like crazy, and he looked terrified.

His screams woke Artemis up, and they all pressed their call buttons. Connor had to cover his ears, cuz Robin's screams were hurting his ears greatly. BC rushed into the med bay, and froze at the scene. Then she injected Robin with sedative, but he didn't stop or calm down. It made it worse, and Robin ended up punching the wall and he left a fist sized dent.

"Robin!" Screamed Megan, but that didn't work either. BC then used stronger sedative on him. This got Robin to just stop, however, his face remained in a state of terror.

The team didn't know how to react, how to help. To them, Robin always seemed fearless and strong. They never saw him as weak, or worthless. He was the youngest out of them all, and he had no powers, yet he was the one always having to save them.

"What just happened?" Artemis Asked, she was still hurting all over, but she felt much better than she had been.

"Robin just had a night terror, he gets them, just not usually so bad." Canary responded, and the team felt hurt. What else did they not know about their bird?

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