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As Barbra made her way home from school that day, she was so looking forward to her visit to the Batcave. Yes, she knows about that, honestly. She figured it out last year, then begged Dick to train her. He did agree, only cuz he knew she'd still do it anyway. So here she was, making her way to her bedroom, and pulling out her com, she called Dick.

She wasn't worried about his brothers, no, she knew she could take them. Dick holds back constantly, and hasn't shown anyone but her his true capabilities. She knows for a fact that he can take everyone down in the JLA and Bat clan on his own, and cuz he's been training her relentlessly, she is confident that she can hold her own.

'Hello.' Came his voice from the other end, Barbra smirked, she knew on his end, her voice would sound different, so she wasn't worried about being discovered.

"Ok, so what's the plan for tonight?" She asked as she headed onto the roof of her home, more privacy, and cuz it gives her a great view.

'One second.' Was Dick's reply, she waited five minutes, then her communicator turned into a video chat.

"Got rid of the camera?" He nods, and I smirk.

'Ok, so since Bruce is away, and I locked the idiots in the Batcave, I'm gonna be on patrol alone tonight. You're ready, if you'd like, we can go on patrol together, then tomorrow you can give my brothers a piece of your mind.' He said, and I laughed.

"Seriously? I've been going on patrol with you for two months now, which I'm still curious how you always manage to patrol the areas we want to."

'That's for me to know, and you to find out.'

"Fine, but I've never done patrol at this big a scale." I say sheepishly.

'Umm, yes you have. Once, but I sent you to patrol the less shady part of Gotham, while I took crime ally. Remember when I told you I was testing you to see how well you've been paying attention?' I nodded, unsure of what he was getting at.

'Well, Bats, Wing, Red, and Jay were all off in Bludhaven, stopping a big drug deal. Black mask, he was there, so I told them Gotham would be safe. It was only us that night, and you took down Clayface on your own.' He said smirking, while I stared at him in shock. I remembered that night quite well, Dick was busy dealing with Bane to give me help, and I had to use my training to take down Clayface.

"Damn you Dick, no wonder why Bats never showed up. I mean, Clayface literally almost took out Gotham Park." He starts to laugh.

'I know, I'm just glad he hasn't found out about you yet. Just be glad it was me you ran into that nigh, and that I was the one training you. Otherwise, this situation would be totally different.' We both started laughing.

"Well, I'm gonna give those three idiots a piece of my mind. I'm gonna head there at about nine thirty, then go from there." I said smirking.

'Well, you're on the list for access to the Batcave. I put it in like three months ago, how Bruce still hasn't figured it out, beats me. Anyway, I'll meet you in our usual place. I'm also bringing you a surprise.' He said smirking, and I got excited. The last surprise Dick brought me, well lets just say it was my utility belt, and a better suit. I headed back downstairs to finish my homework, then my dad came home. We ate dinner, then he went to bed.

I looked at the clock, and saw it was time for me to get ready. I go to my closet and pull out my suit, then I put it on. Then I jump out my window, and head to the old fair grounds to meet up with Pixie Boots.


I found him waiting for me, he was leaning against his bike, and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, what did you need to show me Pixie Boots?" I asked him, when I got close enough.

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