"what?" allison asked.

"you guys were out a long time." isaac said.

"how long is a long time?" stiles asked.

"16 hours." deaton replied.

"we've been in the water for 16 hours?" scott asked.

"unfortunately, yeah." marcie told them.

"and the full moon rises in less than four." deaton said.


marcie went over to stiles and she passed him a towel before sitting beside him.

"thanks." stiles said.

marcie wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his shoulder.

scott began telling everyone how he had to go back to deucalion.

"no, dude, you are not going back with them." stiles said walking up to him.

"i made a deal with deucalion." scott replied.

"screw the deal." marcie said.

"does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" stiles asked.

"why does it matter, anyway?" isaac asked scott.

"because i still don't think that we can beat jennifer without their help." scott replied.

"he trust you more than anyone. tell him he's wrong." allison said looking over at deaton.

"i'm not so sure he is. circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies." deaton explained.

"so we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself death, destroyer of worlds? we're gonna trust that guy?" isaac asked.

"see? thank you." marcie said to isaac.

"i wouldn't trust him, no, but you could use him to your advantage. deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait." deaton replied.

they heard the bell ring at the door so deaton checked to see who it was.

"i'm looking for lydia." ethan said.

that made marcie walk over to the door frame and stand beside deaton.

"what do you want?" lydia asked.

"i need your help." ethan replied.

"with what?" stiles asked.

"stopping my brother and kali.... from killing derek." ethan replied.


marcie went with stiles back to his house, to find something of his dads for scott to sniff out.

marcie and stiles walked into his house and went immediately in his dad's room.

"scott, what do i grab?" stiles asked him over the phone.

"just grab anything." scott replied.

"okay, i've got his boxers." stiles said.

"stiles, i'm not smelling your dads boxers." scott told him.

"okay, what about socks?" stiles asked.

"socks? okay, i'll smell the socks." scott replied as he hung up the phone.

stiles grabbed his father socks and he turned back to marcie.

he smiled after thinking back to what she said before he was out.

she loved him. she actually said that to him. he knew that they had only been dating for two months but it was enough to know that he loved the girl, too.

"harry is gonna help us with our jennifer problem." marcie said.

"okay don't use your magic until the lunar eclipse, all right? save your strength." stiles told her as she nodded.

"yeah, of course." marcie replied.

"and mars." stiles said making her turn to him.

"yeah?" marcie asked seeing how close their bodies were.

"be careful, if you think you aren't strong enough to handle jennifer promise me you'll let scott handle it." stiles said as their brown eyes locked.

"i promise." marcie replied before stiles pulled her closer to him and he kissed her.

"i love you." stiles said after pulling away.

"i love you, too." marcie replied.


marcie and harry were in the car and they were meeting up by the perserve.

harry's car pulled up beside allison's car and scott's bike.

the levy siblings got out and everyone was there expect for stiles.

"i still haven't gotten anything from stiles... you?" isaac asked.

"no, i'm worried." marcie said.

"i don't get it." scott said.

"i'm sure he's on his way." harry said.

"all right. well, we can't wait for him. come on." isaac said as they ran out into the woods.


"cutting it a little close, aren't we, scott?" deucalion said walking over to them.

"we got a little delayed. where are the others?" scott asked.

"occupying themselves with other pursuits. so it's just you, marcie, harry and me against her?" scott asked.

"i think you'll be surprised what a good team we make." deucalion replied.

"okay, get stiles, and then all of you get to the root cellar." scott told isaac and allison.

"okay, we'll keep jennifer away long enough for you to get them out of there." scott said.

"how are you gonna do that?" isaac asked.

"we have a plan." scott replied.

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