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stiles, lydia and marcie were at school and they were talking in the hallway.

"aiden's not texting me back. okay, well, maybe we could just... we could go over there and..." lydia began but stiles pulled out his phone after getting a text.

"what? oh, god. what is it now?" lydia asked seeing the look on stiles' face.

"it's from isaac. jennifer, she t- she has allison's father. she took him. she's got all three now." stiles said.

marcie noticed his body language change and his hands were shaking as he put his phone back in his pocket.

"stiles. let's try not to panic, okay?" marcie told him.

"there's still time. we still have time, right?" lydia asked.

stiles started breathing heavily and he let out a gasp and he was turning away from the girls.

"stiles." marcie said.

"are you okay? what is it? what's wrong?" lydia asked him.

stiles kept moving around and he finally looked back at marcie.

"stiles?" marcie said again.

"i think i'm having a panic attack." stiles said making marcie's eyes widen.

"lydia, i need you to go and get my spell book. it's in my locker, go, hurry." marcie said as lydia nodded and ran to go get it.


marcie quickly rushed stiles into the locker room and she sat down with him.

"just try and think about something else, anything else." marcie told him.

"like what?" stiles asked as his panic attack got worse.

it hurt marcie to see him like this. she knew that he was getting more and more worried about his father by the second.

"uh, happy things. good things. uh, friends, family." marcie said which made stiles look up at her.

"oh, i mean... not family. oh, god. okay, uh, just... try and slow your breathing." marcie said.

"i can't. i can't." stiles said hyperventilating.

"shh, stiles. look at me, stiles. shhh." marcie said before putting her hands on his face, caressing his cheeks.

she looked up into his eyes and she did the first thing she could think of.

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