Chapter thirty - The Right Thing

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( I just like how she did the song above. P.S we're coming to an end)

Y/n pov

"Y/n, what did you do to me?" Cas asked you. You tilted your head an gave him a look that read confusion.

"What do you mean?" You asked him confused, you just healed him, like you'd normally do.

Cas stood and his eyes glowed as his broken wings began to heal themselves.

"Y/n, you did it!" Gabriel yelled proud.

"Did what?" You ask confused on what exactly you found.

"You found that missing part." Gabe said patting you on the back.

"My mother..." You whispered.

"What should we do next?" Gabriel asked lightly checking if you were okay, his hand on your shoulder.

"I want to go home." You say coldly. Not turning to face Gabriel.

You silently teleport them all home and see the brothers talking in the Library, joking around until they see you. If the look on your face said anything, it was enough to get the brothers concerned.

"Y/n? Are you okay? You look pale." Sam asked you looking into your eyes hoping to find some emotion but could find nothing. You stormed off past Castiel, past the brothers.

"Y/n wait." Dean called running to you and grabbing your wrist. You stopped but didn't turn to face him.

"What's going on?" He asked you, you felt your anger rise. Don't hurt Dean. He's annoying but you can't hurt him. Remain calm. You try to tell yourself.

"Y/n. You need to tell us." Dean states. You feel tears fall lightly.

You turn and your eyes glow f/c and tears stream down your face. You push dean back without moving and hear him grunt and groan.

"Stay away from me!" You warned him and everyone in the room before you turned, and walked further down the halls.

Deans pov

Shit that hurts. Why is she being so harsh? What happened?

"What happened in heaven?" Sammy asked.

"We, were going to the thrown room when she fell into this pit like thing, we could no longer see her and Lucifer jumped in after her so I jumped in after him. Long story short we found her mother. Y/n knows how she found you both and how her mother died. With that she found the power to give my little brother, Castiel his wings back. She's in a state. Like when your father found out what killed Mary, he went on a rampage in order to find it, she's in a similar state." Gabriel explained to the brothers.

"Yet she has the power to smite anyone that gets to close to her. She was being kind to you Dean in only breaking your ribs." Castiel chimed in while healing Me.

"She could be losing her mind alone, I'm not letting her go down the same path as John Winchester." I told the angels turning to walk and find her but seeing her. Including her glowing irises and f/c wings, the lights in the bunker were flicking off and on.

"I'll kill him..." Y/n growled.

"Y/n no..." Gabriel attempted to calm her.

"You're right. Death is too kind, he hunted me and you, killed my mother. Cain deserves worse." She said.

"Y/n the world needs him here to survive." Gabriel stated.

"We'll see about that." Y/n teleported off. And all the lights turned off sending it into back up mode.

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