Chapter eight- Homeward

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Your pov

You wake up and look over to your left where you remember Lucifer. You see him staring out a window at the dawn sky.

You get up and make your way towards him. He tenses up at the sound but when your hand brushes his back he smiles and untenses.

"They're almost here." He states grimly.

"How long have I been asleep?" You ask, wonding how far away the would be.

"forty-five minutes." In less than fifteen minutes the brothers would be here to save you and kill or trap Lucifer.

"Lucifer, it'll be okay, I'll do everything in my power to make sure they don't bring you back to the cage." You inform him as you hug his side.

"Y/n as much as you're concerned, I'm just glad you're safe." He smirks looking down at you.

"Lucifer, I know it scares you. The cage. I did a lot of emotional damage to you."

"Y/n I am scared. Really scared. But the brothers won't care and neither will Chuck."

"But I will. I do. I'll make them." You promised. You rested you head on his shoulder as you sat in a comfortable silence.

You saw the impala's lights and heard Dean and Sam yelling for everyone to get out along with warning rounds. The motel was almost empty when you showed up so not many people had to leave anyway.

You heard the brothers kick open doors. You missed them. You opened your door and closed it behind you leaving Lucifer inside. You walk down the hall and see Sam he hears the noise and points his pistol at you. Your eyes fill with water and so does his.

You run toward him and he hugs you, you hug him back.

"I missed you so much. Not a day went by I didn't think of you and Dean."

"Me too. It's good to see you Y/n."

"Y/n?" You turn around and see Dean and a stunned Cas.

"Dean!" You ran into his arms. You felt tears run down your face.

"Wait how do we know it's her?" Cas asked skeptical.

You turned to face him but got holy water thrown on you which you spit back out at Sam. You took the iron and silver from your pockets and pressed into your skin.

"It's me guys." You said and they smiled but it was soon taken away when Sam asked you a question you'd been dreading.

"How did you get out?" You sighed at his question.

"You need to listen with an open mind before you do anything." You said the brothers shared a confused glance before nodding at you Dean skeptical.

"Okay..." Sam said.

"Follow me." You said leading them into the motel room. Lucifer was still standing and looking out the window. The boys panicked as he turned around carefully Dean pointed this gun at him and Cas got his angel blade ready.

"Boy's stop!" You said jumping in front of him protecting him from a blow.

"Y/n that's Lucifer! He tortured Sam. He tried to kill us all."

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