28 » Passionate Princess

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Because seriously, if only you just had opened your eyes, you would've seen him sooner.

His perfectly chiseled face, as if it were carved by artists themselves, are locked with his jaw, his smile was soft, like petals caught in a breeze. It was just enough to allow a gleam of white from the teeth below.

His smooth hands brush a strand of your damped hair away from your face, running his hand through your hair, pausing where your jawline meets your neck.

When he looked at you it was as if every ounce of breath was taken from your lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. Every time he kissed you it felt like the world stopped, leaving just the two of you to wander the earth together. Every time he held your face between his hands it felt like he was untying all of your knots. Holding you for eternity in the arms you've grown so accustomed to.

This is what falling in love was like, a story you never wanted to end. For so long you had longed for it, and now you can't bear to lose it - lose this thing that makes you feel so complete.

"Hehe, now you got a beard." Taehyung started to play childishly with the soap, dabbling bubbles over your cheeks, giving you a beard and laughing so hard, he inhaled some bubbles, sending himself into a coughing fit.

"Hehe, ouch." He faintly smiled sitting upright with his hands in between his thighs, his pudgy cheeks arising and his eyes shut closed.


"You're such a goofball." You smiled and grabbed a handful of bubbles and rubbed them around his cheeks and on top of his hair, forming a fuller beard and a hat to match.

"Now, you're Santa Clause." You cheesed. Taehyung bites the edge of his smile, a vain attempt to keep his creeping grin at bay.

"Ho, ho, ho, hmm, it seems you're on the naughty list this year." He wriggles his eyebrows.

"Ooh, the naughty list?" You focused on Taehyung's shimmering eyes, your curiosity building like a cat fixated upon its prey as you wonder what words to slip out of his lips next.

"Yep, you've been really naughty recently, however, if you become Santa's little helper, you could be treated with a BIG present under the tree." His voice deepens, whenever he spoke, he had that rich, silky tone. He speaks as if he controls the world, controls you, his experience seeping through.

"And what present is this?" Your fingers run down his full chest, biting back on the taste of heated passion.

Of course, there was no point in holding anything back

Because you could use another round.

And his voice didn't calm the roaring itch in your gut either.

And well...you are in a jacuzzi tub with rose petals and the most handsome man in the world, you can't just end it.

Make the most out of it.

And with that Taehyung whispered against your ear, nibbling roughly, "Be a good girl and find out."

You mutter, "yes sir," voice quivering in excitement. Your lips pressed themselves gently against his, partially damp. You froze as you felt his tongue slide against your bottom lip, sending a surprisingly electric shiver down your spine.

His tongue ventured further, coming to playfully swipe at your own. Heat flooded your skin, a daze of sorts washing over you from the tips of your ears.

Taehyung gave you a faint, dirty smile as he pulled his lips away before attaching his tongue against your neck pleasantly, then drifting over the rest of your body until a boneless sensation engulfed you, causing you to tremble.

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