Mizura was once a young noble Shinobi of Hoshikagure but was crippled by the Village's Meteor Training Method. It was thought he made a full recovery of the Meteor's effect but it appeared he fell to the illness once again.

"What's happening here?" Shikadai asks them. Mizura replies.

"An assault by the Hoshikage's men. The remaining forces are fending them off further down north. Yui we need to get you out of here."

Yui with tears on her eyes nods in understanding.

"Have you seen Mizura-San cane? He needs his cane to walk."

Mizura gets on one knee and faces Yui.

"Yui, I'm not going with you." Yui was stunned, she felt her heart breaking.


"No buts." Mizura shifts his attention towards Sarada and Shikadai. "Please, protect her."

"We can't just leave you." Sarada pleas.

A feather-shaped array forms behind Mizura spreading out from behind like a peacock's tail feathers.

"I'll be fine."

The clash of metal and the screams of war was slowly making itself more evident.

"The battle is getting closer, you have to leave, now!"

Shikadai grabs Yui arm and takes her with him with Sarada following him. They ran far from the fire, away from the struggle. The children weren't just running away for safety they were running away from war.

"They're killing each other, all because of me..." Yui said in dismay.

Sarada and Shikadai didn't say anything, because they knew it was true.

"Yui, I-"

A large explosion erupts behind them creating a ball of fire that engulfs the sky. The kids watched, horrified of the sight. Sarada stared blankly in the fire entering a trance as she begins to remember.


"Boruto, I'm serious, give me my glasses."

"Not until you stop being a killjoy." Boruto confidently stood in-front of Sarada giving her a cocky smile.

"Don't make me punch you!"

"Prove it." Sarada crosses her arms irritated that her bluff was caught. Boruto laughs.

"You break too easily, here."

Boruto hands over Sarada's glasses. She went to grab her glasses but misses completely.

"...Are you serious?" Boruto said baffled.

Sarada tries again but misses once again. She stood there embarrassed.

"Here let me..." Boruto put Sarada's glasses on her. The first thing she sees is Boruto's face close to hers. Sarada blushes and pushes him away.

"Hey! What was that for?"

Pale arms wrap around the two and made them sit down.

"Now, now, no need to start a fight." Mitsuki has arrived and stopped what he thought was an argument.

"Mitsuki, let go!" Sarada yells.

"Not until you calm down." Sarada puffs her cheeks and complies. Satisfied Mitsuki lets go.

The group later went over to the rooftop eating fast-food together. They could see a good chunk of the Village from their altitude.

"How's you're Father's new arm going, Sarada?"

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