'Briggs! You're Farm Station,' Pike exclaimed.

'There are no stations here, just the City of Light,' Jaha stepped forward before holding out his hand, a clear tablet sitting in it; 'Join us, Charles, please. There's no more need for fighting.'

'We both know there's no way in hell I'm taking that thing.'

'Sorry it has to be this way.'

A grounder stepped forward and placed a bag over Pike's head before he was lead away, attempting to fight back. Byrd glared down at Jaha as he turned to her with a smile, before tilting his head away as though he was listening to something.

'Byrd, how about you?' He asked.

'Go float yourself, Jaha,' She sneered.

He sighed, waving his hand toward her. Within seconds, she was being yanked down from her horse and bagged. She fought against the two grounders who had hold of her, trying to get free. But, nothing seemed to hurt them, not even the knife she jabbed into one of their legs. And that became an issue.


Byrd struggled against the guards as they lead her go knows where, letting her fall down stairs and get squashed between them through narrower halls. She could hear Pike yelling out up ahead, before the chain clinking echoed up the hall. She was yanked to a stop, before seconds later she was shoved forward. She could hear Pike's begging, which she smirked to as her hands were cuffed once more; the old ones stripped. She was hit in the stomach and across the face, another across the bottom on her spine where she was sent to her knees.

'Briggs, you don't have to do this,' Pike yelled; 'You're strong! Fight it! We'll get our people and get out of here. Briggs!'

'Oh, shut up, Pike,' She sneered as the bag was ripped off her head.

She glared at the man, before tugging on the chains that were anchored to the floor.

'Who's ready to take the key?' The head grounder asked.

The grounders hardly looked up, the man huffing before he left. He slammed the gate shut, leaving them be once more.

'What are the odds?' Murphy's voice surprised her.

She grinned as she looked down at him, 'Murphy.'


'John Murphy?' Pike queried.

'Told you I'd survive.'

She chuckled, moving to sit down beside the boy as he shuffled over to be closer to her. She smirked over at him, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach.

'You should have killed me on that battlefield,' Indra spoke.

Byrd looked straight to the dark corner to the cell, the woman pulling the anchor for the chains out of the wall.

'I won't make the same mistake,' The woman sneered as she walked toward Pike; 'You killed three hundred of my people... Now you'll take three hundred cuts by my hand.'

'Three hundred and one,' Byrd informed her; 'I got a head start.'

'Get on with it,' Pike sneered.

The Delani girl began to laugh as Indra ripped Pike's shirt, dragging the sharp point of the anchor across his chest; blood spilling from his skin. She leant back against the wall laughing, Pike's yells drowning it out. She fell silent after a little while, her eyes never leaving Indra or Pike. Though, she jumped when a hand laid itself on her thigh. She met his eye instantly when she looked up at him, meeting his frown.

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