Psychopathic Murderer (part 3) - Bucky Barnes

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You walk out of the airport in Bucharest in Romania. You spent the whole flight in the plane's hold. Not the most comfortable way to travel, but very cheap.

"So, where do we go now?" You ask from Bucky, who was carrying your bag again.
Bucky looks around. "We need a place to live. We can get cheap apartments from those big buildings around the market place. You have enough money, right?" Bucky tells.
You nod for response.
"There's only one but. We need to change the dollars to euros in a bank."

You take out your phone and decide to use Google Maps. Thank god it exists.
You find out, that the nearest bank is around the corner. Lucky for you.
You lead Bucky to the bank.

There wasn't almost at all people in the bank, so everything went quickly.
Soon you were outside again.
All you need to do now is buy an apartment.

You had packed a laptop with you, so you went to a coffee shop.
You bought coffees for you both and then you sit to a table in the corner of the shop.

You open your laptop and start to search apartments from near the market place. Bucky said it's a good place.

You're looking for a pretty cheap house, though not too cheap. You want it to be a place where you could live normally. Not like a criminal.

You finally, after one hour of searching, find a proper apartment for your needs. You turn your laptop around and show it to Bucky.

He looks at it for a while, and nods then. "That looks great." He says with a slight smile.

You turn the laptop around again and send the owner a message about renting the apartment.

You wait for a response for quite a while.
This is Romania, so it's not hard to rent a house from here.
The response came quickly and soon you were allowed to go see the apartment.

You get up and put your laptop back to your bag.
You give the heavy bag to Bucky again, before leaving the coffee shop. You got the address to your phone and head to that way.

"How long we'll be staying here?" You ask as you were walking.
"As long as it's save to return or I'm ready to meet Steve again." Bucky says and sighs deeply.

"And that'll be?" You ask. You already know now, that you'll be staying here for a long time. What about your work? You should go back to work on Monday, but now you're in Europe. What happened?

"I don't know." Bucky replies.
Of course he doesn't know. How could he? He has to go through some things in his head. He needs to find out more about himself. You really want to help, but you don't know how.
Could internet help you?

After few minutes of walking, you were in front of the building.
There was someone waiting for you and motioned for you to follow.

You used the stairs to go up to like 15th floor. The building is pretty high.
You were done as you got to the 15th floor. You were out of breath. You take deep breaths to steady your breathing and heartbeats.

Bucky in the other hand didn't look tired at all, even though he had also the heavy bag with him.

Anyways, the man showed you the small apartment and asked for you to sign few papers, before the apartment was yours. You thank the man as he gave you the keys.

The man left you two into the apartment now. You look around. There's already one big mattress, small couch and a table. The apartment has only one room plus the bathroom. Not a dream house.

The kitchen part was in one corner of the room. There was kitchen counters and a fridge. There was also a little wooden shelf.

Well, you can live in this place. If no one cleans the house once in a while, it'll look terrible. You guess the cleaning part is your job here.

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