Psychopathic Murderer - Bucky Barnes

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You're at your office just finishing your day. You sigh in relief as you turn off your computer and pack your bags. Your job is kinda boring to be honest. It's not the job you dreamed about, but girl's gotta eat, right?

You turn the lights off from your office and lock the door behind you.

It's Friday, thank god. Now you can relax at home. Weekends are too short. Why weekend isn't 5 days and then 2 days of work? That would be a lot better, right?

You walk over to your car and open it with the keys.
Suddenly someone was standing in front of you, holding a gun in his hand towards you. He's dressed all black and he has a mask, so you couldn't see his face.

"Give me all your money or die!" The man yells. You stare at the gun. You're freezed still. Instead of taking your wallet out, you start begging. "Please, take all my money. Don't kill me, please..!"

"Pathetic." The man mumbles under his breath and takes few steps forward. That was all he could do before you heard a gunshot, and the man's lifeless body fell on the ground.

You let out a horrified gasp. You look around and search the person who saved you.

Your gaze fell on another man further away, leaning against a car. He's still holding the gun, but it's pointing at the ground.
He's also dressed in black, but doesn't have a mask. He has pretty long, brown hair. His other arm, left arm is different. It looks like it's metal, but is it even possible, though? The arm has a red star on it.

He's breathing very heavily and tries to take a step forward. But as he does that, he fell on the ground.

You inhale sharply and get up quickly, running to the metal arm man.
He turns on his back and looks at the sky as you approach him.

"You okay?" You ask and squat down next to him.
He lets out a groan and holds his stomach. It's probably hurting.
He doesn't respond to your question. Just stays quiet.

"Alright. I need to get you to the hospital." You say and start digging your phone from your pocket. But a hand grabs your wrist and stops your actions. "No hospitals." He mumbles.

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Why doesn't he want to go in hospital? Is he a criminal? He's carrying a gun, so maybe he is. And here you are, helping him.
Well, he probably saved your life. And your money of course.

"Um, okay. I can drive you to your home if you want?" You ask him.
He stays quiet for awhile again.
"I don't have a home." He replies, still mumbling.

Seriously, who is this guy? He doesn't even have a home!
"What do I do? What do I do?" You thought in your mind.
You can't leave him here. You're not heartless.

You have one option, but you don't know is it smart to ask him that. But it's your only option.

You sigh.
"Will you come to my place then?" You ask, voice a little bit shaky and hesitant.
He looks at you for the first time and furrows his eyebrows.

"Do you really want a murderer into your home?" He asks.
Yeah, of course he's a murderer, and yet here you are, inviting him into your home.
What if he murders you while you're asleep?

Even, after all of these thoughts, you nod.
What has gotten into you? You would never do anything like this. Ever.
But there's something in that guy. Something normal. Something beautiful.
You want to figure out what it is.

You offer your hand for him, a little hesitantly.
He looks at you confused, before he grabs your hand and you pull him on to his feet.
Immediately he groans in pain and almost falls again, but you helped him to stand and walk.

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