chapter 21

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It was already late at night and lizzy was dozing off on the waiting chair while mark and ten sat near her in silence. Lizzy head was slightly leaning as sleep was taking over"look at her" ten pointed at lizzy with a small smile on his face mark looked at her with sleepy eyes then he scooted closer to her and pulled her closer with his arm holding her shoulders. Lizzy's head tilted again and then finally fell on his shoulder.

He looked at her with hearts coming out of his eyes she looks so precious and cute right now..he thought to himself "she finally managed to sleep a bit" mark whispered softly so he won't wake her up, ten nodded "you should try sleeping too" he said to mark while standing up "I'll have a phone call outside, call me if you need anything" mark nodded and ten walked away.

Ten stood in front of the hospital inhaling, he got deeply in thought about the situation in his hands.He took out his phone and dialed a number. One ring... two rings... "hello?" .


I was shaken awake, I slowly opened my eyes to see mark smiling at me, for a second I smiled a little then I recognized my surroundings and instantly frowned "where is jeno?" I asked straightening my back.

"he's in the intensive care room right now but they will take him to his own room in the afternoon" mark simply explained to me as he handed me a hoody "what's this?" I took the hoody from his hand "go freshen up right now we'll have breakfast in a little" he patted my shoulder. I nodded as I stood up to go over to the restroom.

I was looking down at my feet thinking who could that person want? Why would the hurt jeno? Why would they know where my house is?! Ugh I'm going crazy, I pulled on my hair in frustration, so many questions yet no answers to any of them.

"hey liz" I looked up to see a tired looking ten weakly smiling at me, I gave him a questioning look and stood in front of him "ten you ok? You don't look like you slept at all" I gave him a worried look "yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me. Here take this" he brushed off my question and handed me a bag.

I took it from him and looked inside to see many things like a toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, hand soap and other things at the bottom. "Thanks ten" I smiled at him then walked into the restroom, he nodded in response and just simply stood there.

Once I finished freshening up I took the hoody to put it on, as I slipped it over my head marks scent filled my nose, I was a bit surprised cause I didn't expect him to give me his own hoody, but none the less I smiled like an idiot as I held onto it tightly. I finally fixed my hair then headed out.

I looked to the side to see ten dozing off in a standing position and his head was rolling around slightly. I stood next to him to see what will happen next. I looked at him in amusement as his head moved back and forth, at last his head fell on my shoulder and I stiffened a little then relaxed shortly after. I felt his head relax on my shoulder as a hint that he feels comfortable, so I decided to let him be for a little.


Then I got a little too tired of standing up so I shook him awake "ten, ten wake up" he instantly shot his head up "huh, how much did I sleep?" he rubbed his neck in slight pain"not too long. Let's go back to mark!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the direction of where mark is.

"liz! What took you so long?" mark rushed to me the moment we arrived, he cupped my face looking at me inspecting for any visible damage "sorry, had to wait for ten to wake up" I looked down at my feet feeling guilty he must have waited too long for me to comeback.. "Alright, I was just worried that something happened to you" he kissed my forehead and pulled me to sit beside him, I felt my cheeks burn as I sat next to him.

After we've eaten our food we started the waiting game all over again. Then we heard rushing feet come towards us "jeno!!WHERE IS JENO?!" I looked up to see a lady yelling at a nurse obviously freaking out. jeno?.. Could she be jeno's mother? ... I looked closely at the lady and the man behind her trying to calm her down "if you don't calm down ma'am I don't think I'll be able to help you!" the nurse stated with distress all over her face.

"sorry, she's in a big shock right now" the man spoke and the nurse nodded in understanding "we're here looking for our son, lee jeno" my eyes widened oh no, what do I tell them if they ask me what happened?! Then I noticed ten's stiffened position,he looked super stressed out. But why would he be this stressed out right now?!.

"oh, yes jeno is now in the intensive care room to make sure he's in a stable condition, but he's ok so don't worry" she finalized her sentence with a soft smile and left. Jeno's parents proceeded to take a seat next to us to process what the nurse just told them.


The lady looked up and stared at me which made look back at her. I felt uncomfortable under her intense stare "c-can I help you?" I asked in a soft voice "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere" she said then squint her eyes still looking at me intensely "I'm sorry but I don't remember seeing you ma'am" I tried to avoid her stare, but she held her gaze as intensely.

"jeno told me about a friend of his and showed me a picture and she looked just like you! I forget her name, I wish I paid more attention to what he said" she looked away trying to remember "jeno told you about me?!" she immediately snapped her head back at me with a questioning look shit I shouldn't have spoken out loud....

"oh pardon me, I'm jeno's mother" she extended her shaky hand I hesitantly took it "n-nice to meet you Mrs. Lee, I'm lizzy" I gave her a small smile "since you're here already do you know what happened to jeno?!"

I felt my muscles tense up as I froze in my place "um...I - uh" WHAT DO I TELL HER? She looked at me with hopeful eyes and I felt more guilty the longer I took to speak "excuse me, is everybody here related to jeno?" a nurse walked over to us and spoke. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Everybody nodded "alright then, we'll be moving the patient to his own room around evening time, then you can go and see him later on" "ok, thank you" mark said to her. "I'm glad jeno has friends like you guys, even though he is a social person his close friend circle is very little" his father spoke calmly "oh it's nothing jeno is a great friend and he deserves the best" I spoke back but once his dad looked my way I shied away behind mark, Mr. lee just smiled at me and looked away. I finally realized how silent ten was and when I looked his way I found nobody there where did he go?! I furrowed my eyebrows together as I felt confused but brushed it away.

hey hey hey, long time no see. i apologize for the lack of updating, i've had a major art block it was honestly driving me insane but thankfully i tried very hard to get inspired so after a long time i finally got inspired and decided to write. also this did take a few days to write so it's not exactly perfectly organized so yeah, anyway this is a longer chapter so i hope you enjoy. and as always vote, comment, share and stay tuned for more.


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