chapter 20

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Even though the votes and reads are quite low i still wanted to update soon cause i have another project i'm working on. also, THANK YOU FOR 1K READS , i never expected to reach 1k reads at all when i first posted so i'm very thankful.(this is also an update for this lovely occasion).


3rd person P.O.V:

They have been watched for a while now,especially lizzy. They wanted to hurt ten so what better way to hurt him than hurting something he loves, or in this case someone.

This person have been watching the house since dawn focused on the way they'll hurt lizzy in. the man behind the bushes polished his gun as he waited for his target. He got a phone call "once the boy reaches the house as the door is still opened you shoot him, his name is mark, don't miss him" the man ordered from behind the phone.

"yes boss, tell me how he looks like again?" the man asked "ugh, how many times do I have to tell you?! He has black hair, he's young and.. you know what I'll send you a picture, now it doesn't have his face but it does have how he looks like from the back and that's all that matters. Get this over with quickly" the boss huffed from behind the phone as he hung up.

"I wish he would pay me higher" the man was not satisfied with how he was treated but he knew this mission will get him something more. Two boys walked up in front of the house he was watching, but both of them are young looking and both of them had black hair. "What is this bullshit!" he was bothered he didn't know that there would be two boys.

He watched closely as they picked up things from the ground. He looked closer and he remembered one of them leaving the house earlier so he must be the one. They entered the house and he pointed his gun.

In 3...2...1! He shot the boy and he smiled "easy work" he chuckled then suddenly he got a phone call"YOU IDIOT THAT WAS NOT THE BOY WE MEANT!!" "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" "LEAVE RIGHT NOW" He picked his things hurriedly and suddenly he saw someone running his way, that made him run instantly without caring what fell from him and what didn't "tell your boss this is the end of you!!" ten yelled at the man, as the man entered a car and left, ten memorized the car plate number and turned around he saw somethings on the floor that the man left and one of them was a phone.


The doctor came out of the surgery room and he looked around saying "lee jeno's guardians?" lizzy and mark stood up "doctor is jeno ok??" lizzy said with a sad tone in her voice"are you his guardians??" "No, we're his friends; please tell us if he is ok"lizzy said once more.

"the surgery went well, so you could say he is ok for now. But he will be put under intense supervision so we can make sure there won't be any more dangers and escalations on his condition" the doctor explained to them "thank you doctor" mark said as he pulled lizzy back to the seats.

"thank god he is ok,lets pray and hope his condition won't escalate to the worse" mark said looking at lizzy in the eyes "oh I really hope he gets better" lizzy sighed in slight relief.


Ten entered the hospital running "excuse me, is there a jeno here??! Lee jeno, I think" he said to the receptionist mumbling the last words "yeah, he just got out of the operation room, a..." ten yelled a quick thank you as he ran over to the operation room area.

He found lizzy and mark sitting in the waiting area holding each other's hands "lizzy!" he saidwalking up to them, lizzy stood up "ten, where were you?" ten simply hugged lizzy "how are you feeling?" he asked softly "are you ok?" he whispered as he hugged her closer "ten, I'm alright. I- I'm still in shock but don't worry" she slightly pulled away from ten.

then she went and stood next to a not so happy mark "ten, this is my boyfriend mark" lizzy grabbed mark's hand tightly "I know it's an odd timing and I had a different plan to how you guys meet but oh well" lizzy looked down then she looked up at mark "and mark, this is my relative ten, I told you about him before, he is the best" she looked back at ten and smiled slightly.

Ten walked up to them and shook hands with mark "nice to finally meet you mark, the guy lizzy is whipped for" ten chuckled and lizzy hit his arm and glared at him "nice to finally meet you too, ten hyung" mark had light blush on his cheeks "and I think you can say I'm whipped for her too" mark looked lovingly at lizzy as it was her turn to blush.

Ten looked at them with a small smile on his face he is the right one for her, I feel it... he thought to himself.

tada! here's an update and a little explanation to what happened in the last chapter. hopefully more exiting chapters to come so stay tuned. and as always Comment, share and vote. See you next time.


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