Chapter 3

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"Mmmm" Cassie's eyes fluttered open, she felt warm and cosy. She was wrapped in someone's arms... There was a soft glow settled over her and she felt... Complete. But she didn't have much time to think about it before she was taking in her surroundings... Still in Alpha Karliah's arms. Cassie shot up. "What the hell? What's going on? What time is it?" Her head snapped around as she reeled through her questions. The muscular arms around her tightened and pulled her close.

"Hey, quiet down. We're still in the classroom, class is about to end - I was going to wake you up soon..." Cassie turned to look into the alpha's dark grey eyes, caught for a moment staring into them. She felt strange... "Can you feel it, little one?" The larger girl murmured, bringing her face closer.

"Feel what?" Cassie asked,

"Never mind" Karliah's grip was tight but Cassie's focus was more on the burning in her backside, it kept grazing against the rough material of the alphas cargo pants. She hissed and jumped slightly but the grip on her kept her in place.

"That hurts! I can't believe you really punished me!" She whined, and then suddenly stiffened as she realised something, "Wait... We've been in here almost an hour... And that teacher never came to find out if you had... Like, killed me or something!"

"He did come to check, once he found where we were you had fallen asleep... I told him what happened and he told me to make sure I woke you up before the end of day bell so a member of your pack could take you home..." Karliah leant back further against the desk, pulling back Cassie with her. "I know it stings, have you got any cream with you? Something for sensitive skin or with cooling?" She started massaging Cassie's cheeks again... It felt good but too intimate and it made her skin heat up again like before... Especially between her legs.

"N-no, it's fine" She wanted to climb away but the hands on her felt so good, one around her waist and another on her butt, rubbing firmly. "I n-need to g-go" she squeaked, and tried to push the arm off her waist feebly. Karliah's arms were like iron though, and she couldn't break away.

"Wait for the bell, there's no where for you to even go yet." The alpha was right but Cassie just wanted to get away, she felt weird and... flushed. But the more she struggled and pushed the more annoyed the blonde girl became,

"Stop that, you'll just hurt yourself!" She snapped, grabbing the back of Cassie's neck and pinning her down on her front, head hanging over one of the alphas knees and butt hanging over the other. The smaller wolf let out a grunt and continued to push away and kick but soon felt a hand digging between her shoulder blades, pushing her down and forcing her body to curve uncomfortably. Cassie panted and stopped struggling momentarily to catch her breath. "If you start that shit again I'll spank you so hard you won't be able to walk straight" Alpha Karliah growled. Giving a warning swat to the subs round cheeks, she jumped with the pain and decided to save herself the embarrassment again and submit, baring her neck to the Alpha and whining meekly. The alpha accepted her submission with a nip just underneath her ear. "Good girl" she smirked, enraging Cassie - She was enjoying this! Sick pervert! She wanted to yell it out but knew in her current position it wasn't exactly wise... She just grunted again, rolling her eyes.

The sound of the end of day bell rang out so loud and suddenly that both girls jumped.

"That's the bell! Now you have to let me go you brute!" Cassie grinned triumphantly, trying to jump up again. The alpha begrudgingly let her slip out of her arms, pulling a face at her but Cassie just stuck her tongue out and dusted herself off. The alpha picked herself up off the floor too and stretched out her arms above her head, lifting her crop top up even further to show the full length of her powerful abs. Cassie couldn't help but stare... She was really toned and... Sexy. Cassie hated to admit it or even think it but she really was and once again the brunette could feel herself getting turned on - WHAT WAS THIS DOM DOING TO HER? It must be witchcraft... She'd never met anyone who could get her this wet this quickly and with such simple actions. She decided to dash out before it became too obvious - She didn't need Karliah knowing how she affected her.

With a turn on her heel, she made a run for the door and burst through into the crowded hallways - Grateful for all the mingling scents that would hide hers. She made her way through the throngs of people to the classroom, and she said a small prayer in her head to the moon that Sam was still outside the door, waiting for her with both their bags in his arms. And once she had managed to force her way through what felt like a small army, she spotted him.

She pushed through to him but before she could even say hello, he beat her to it,

"What did she do to you?! Are you okay?!" His round doe eyes were wide and tears were pooling at the edges, "Where are you hurt?!" He was almost hysterical and Cassie grabbed his arm and dragged him back inside the classroom to be alone. After shutting the door and pulling down the blinds, she turned to her sobbing friend. "I was trying so hard not to cry for the whole hour but I was so scared!"

"I'm fine, Sammy" She whispered, not sure if she believed it. She walked to him slowly as he continued to sob, his whole body trembling - And she wanted to do the same. They always set each other off when they cried. But she had cried when she was spanked and it had been such a weight off her shoulders, she felt so much more calm. Any other time she would have burst into tears at the sight of Sam's, and although she felt the urge, it didn't overwhelm her this time. "Come here" she finally reached him and wrapped her arms around him, drawing him close. He rested his head on her shoulder and she pushed the two of them back so they rested against a table. Holding each other for a few minutes while the crying slowly faded down to hiccups and whimpers.

"What *Hic* Happened?" He asked, not lifting his head from her shoulder. Cassie thought for a moment, not sure if she should go through play by play and say everything or if she should just be blunt about it.

"She spanked me..." Cassie murmured the words but they seemed too loud in the empty classroom. Sam stiffened and sniffed a few times but didn't say anything, maybe he didn't know what to say, Cassie didn't either to be honest... "And then I fell asleep in her lap while she was..." Cassie felt embarrassed to say this part, but Sam was her best friend and maybe saying it would help her work out how she felt about it all. "Rubbing my butt - like, massaging it?" She was flushing at the words but continued, "And when I woke up I was in her arms still and she rubbed my butt again" Cassie left it at that, she didn't want to give anymore details, and Sam didn't look like he could handle anymore details. Red eyes peered up at her, "Let's just go home, I don't wanna talk anymore now" she whispered, taking his hand and leading them out of the classroom. They just made it in time to catch the pack coach back home.


Sam and Cassie flew up the stairs towards her room. The pack house was pretty big so it was a lot of stairs but being part wolf kinda gives you some advantages when it comes to the physical. Wolves are faster and stronger than humans - and they have heightened senses. And the alpha was the strongest of all. Their alpha of the pack was a mean son of a bitch. But luckily for them, he rarely left his office and spent all his time focusing on paperwork and alliances. His son, Marcus, was next alpha in line and he was just as bad, the problem was - he didn't have to be stuck in an office. He had the freedom to roam wherever and do whatever he wanted - to whoever he wanted. And his favourite target was Sam. The pack never intervened, he was the alpha and it was common for them to use the omega as a punching bag. But Cassie felt there was something else. He acted weirdly and stiff around them, especially for the last few months - He had really become fixated on Sam.

Speaking of Marcus, Sam ran face first into his chest and landed flat on his back with an expression of a deer caught in the headlights. He could barely breathe as he stared up at the huge alpha,

"I-I'm sorry!" he squeaked,

"Sorry isn't good enough, omega" He spat out the last word like it was dirty. Stepping forward to grab him but Cassie jumped between them, squeezing herself in between his arms.

"It was an accident and you know it!" She yelled, becoming defensive.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me sub!" He roared, "Now back off or you will be both be punished!" He elbowed her to the side and Sam gave her a pleading look to just leave it as he was grabbed and dragged away.

"Did the omega hurt you that bad? Huh? Is he that strong?" She called after him, trying to turn his attention to her, she continued trailing behind but soon the door of his bedroom was slammed in her face.

"Sam!" She shouted through the door. But there was no reply. She decided to give him privacy for his punishment, there was nothing else she could do.

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