● Chapter 15 ●

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Michael Stokes

Today was Erica's day off so I had to have someone else here to do her job. The replacement is okay, she's just not Erica. Erica would've had things done before I had a chance to ask, but I'm still grateful for the extra help, especially with me trying to expand my business and start new ones.

It was lunch time and I was eating some leftovers that Erica made for Sunday dinner and working on some contracts when Joshua barged in. My head snapped toward his.

"Why are you marrying that slut?!" He shouted closed the door behind him. We're going through this again. I stood up.

"You will not disrespect my fiancée! I don't care if you don't like it, but you will respect it. You're supposed to be one of my best friends, but you acting like a bitch! Erica is who I love and want to be with." I yelled back.

"You don't love her. Your just marrying her because she's pregnant!" He yelled. I pushed him up against the wall.

"Listen you bastard Erica is mine! No one will talk about her like she is nothing. I LOVE HER! Why can't you get that?!-" He pushed me off and punched me in the jaw. That one hit made me furious. We started to fighting in my office.


"What the hell is going on?!" I hear Josh shout pulling me off his brother.

"He punched me because I'm marrying Erica." I said wiping the blood from my lip. Josh looked at him.

"Why do you care who the fuck he is marrying?! We're all are supposed to be brothers." Josh said.

"Fuck that! Erica is just using him for his money!" Joshua yelled. I was about to charge at him again, but Josh was holding me back.

"YOUR FIRED! GET YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT OF MY BUILDING, NOW!" I shouted. I'm not about to deal with him today.

After he was escorted off the premises I decided to head home. Erica is going to fucking flip when she sees my face.

"Josh tell Amanda to reschedule all my appointments." I said before I walked out my office.






When I pulled up to the house I spotted my mom's car. Great that means the other women are here. I quickly get out the car without grabbing anything, but the keys.

I hear laughter coming from the kitchen. I breathed deeply before I walked in.

"Hey Mic-OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" Erica yelled getting up out her seat.

"I got in a fight." I said taking my tie off.

"With who?" My mom asked.

"Joshua ." I hear Erica sigh.

"What happened this time?" She asked. I explained everything to her. My mom was pissed.

"What the hell is wrong with him? I've never did anything to him. Why would I use you? He already knows how things started with us so why is he acting like this toward me?" Erica said. I wiped her tears. I'm going to fucking kill him for making my baby cry.

"How did you two meet?" My grandma asked. I turned around shameful. I still regret getting her fired.

"Well." My Nanna asked impatiently.

"I uhh I got get fired off her job." I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. If looks could kill I'd be six feet under.

"Why would you do that Michael?" Nanna asked.

"Cause I turned him down. Then I showed up at his office, roughed him up a bit, and it went from there." Erica said giggling.

"That part I know. It was all over the news." Nanna said with a smirk.

"Michael you never seem to amaze me the extent you'd go to get a girl." Nanna said. I laughed, but winced when Erica put the ice pack on my lip.

● Joshua Whitmore ●

I held my head back to stop my nose from bleeding onto anything. I didn't want to get blood anywhere. I opened my freezer door to grab a pack of ice for my jaw and busted lip.

How could he fire me? I'm his fucking best friend. This is all that black bitch fault. She is going to pay for what she did.

I pulled out my phone and made a few calls. She's going to wish she never stepped foot in our life even if she ends up dead.

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