he saw the blonde girl standing outside by his door and she saw him.

he walked over to her and he could tell something was bothering her.

"you okay?" stiles asked her before she let out a sigh.

"i was in my room earlier and i got the chills, not like when you're cold but chills as in being terrified." marcie explained.

"it's just for the night, okay? everything gonna be fine." stiles told her before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"okay, but if i end up getting in your bed tonight don't be surprised." marcie said with a chuckle.

"i wouldn't mind you being in my bed." stiles said before wrapping his arms around her waist.

marcie leaned herself closer to stiles and she could feel his breathe hit her face making her cup his face in her hands and kiss him.

their lips started moving at a faster pace and marcie's fingers tangled into his hair making him hum in delight.

"get a room!" they heard someone shout making them pull apart from their make out session.

they looked at each other and laughed before stiles walked marcie back to her room.

"hey, if you really want to, you can come sleep with me tonight." stiles said.

"scott won't mind?" marcie asked as stiles shock his head.

"probably not, i mean you are my girlfriend." stiles said making marcie's heart skip a beat.

"what?" stiles asked seeing the look on her face.

"it's just the first time i've ever heard you call me that." marcie replied as stiles chuckled.

"you better get back in there before they think we ran off somewhere." stiles said kissing her forehead.

marcie smiled before turning back to walk into her room.

when she walked in, she saw lydia talking to allison and she looked terrified.

"what happened?" marcie asked.


"198?" marcie and allison said in unison.

"yes, and we're talking 40 years. on average, that's... 4.95 a year, which is... actually expected. but who commemorates that with a framed number? who does that? who?" lydia asked.

"some people have strange hobbies." marcie said.

"all suicides?" allison asked.

"yes. hanging, throat cutting, pill popping, both barrels of a shotgun in the mouth suicides. i don't know about you guys, but me, i... did you hear that?" lydia asked them.

"no." marcie replied.

"hear what?" allison asked her.

allison and marcie saw lydia get up and she stood up on the bed before she started freaking out.

"on, my god. oh, my god. oh, my god." lydia said before backing up.

"lydia?" marcie said helping her off the bed.

"what is it, lydia? what happened?" allison asked.

"did you hear that?" lydia asked them.

"hear what?" allison asked again.

"the two people in the other room... they shot each other." lydia said before rushing out of the room.

"lydia." allison said as her and marcie followed her.

lydia opened the door to the other room and stood by the entrance.

"hello?" lydia said before flipping the light switch but the lights never turned on.

"lydia?" marcie said.

lydia walked into the room while marcie and allison exchanged a look.

"lydia, what are you doing?" allison whisper shouted.

"hello?" lydia said again.

she finally found a light but when she turned it on, she saw buckets of paint around the room.

"it had to be right here. it was a guy and a girl, and, i mean, they sounded younger, but... they were here." lydia said looking at allison and marcie.

"it's okay, lydia." marcie said.

"i believe you. after everything we've been through, i believe you." allison said.

"yeah, so do i. you're not crazy, lydia. this place, it feels evil." marcie said.


after they went back to their room, lydia started packing up her stuff.

"you know, there is something seriously wrong with this place. hey, allison, marcie, we need to leave." lydia said.

"i agree, i hate this place." marcie said.

"but they were suicides, not murders, and it's not like this place is haunted, right?" allison asked.

"maybe it is. you know, i bet that couple made their suicide pact in that very room. maybe that's why they're renovating. maybe they've been scrapping brain matter off the wood paneling." lydia said.

"maybe we should find out." allison replied.

"okay, let's go." marcie said.

the three girls left the room and they went back to the front desk.

"well, there goes that." lydia said seeing that the woman wasn't there anymore.

"oh, my god." marcie said looking at the sign and allison noticed it as well.

"didn't you say the sign said 198?" allison said.

lydia turned her head and saw that now the sign said 201.

"it was 198. i swear to god it was 198." lydia said.

"this can't be good." marcie said.

"okay, what does that mean, that there's been three more suicides?" allison asked.

"or three more are about to happen." lydia replied.

"god, i hate this place so much." marcie said.

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