09 | BEEWARE PT. 3

Start from the beginning

"Shellow or Coleman in the group?" Nick asks.

"Nope. Whole new set of flash mobbers this time." Wu answers. "But UNI's grabbed Shellow and Coleman about an hour ago. They're at the precinct. Both are staying silent until they lawyer up."

"Suspects refusing to talk until they have a lawyer? Ooh, what a shocker." Isabelle sarcastically retorts.

"Tell me you got a solid lead on this." Renard urges as the three detectives reach the body.

"We're zeroing in on a suspect, Melissa Wincroft." Hank replies.

"That's Camilla Gotleib. She was on the Primrose Paper case with Serena." Nick muses.

"Two dead lawyers from the same firm? I'd say we got ourselves a pattern." Renard comments.

"Was anyone else on the case?" Isabelle inquires.

"Yeah, I read the file. There was a third lawyer on the case." Nick says, quickly pulling out his phone as they rush back to the car. "This is Detective Burkhardt. Send a unit to Berman, Rautbort, and Associates, and take an attorney into protective custody. Her name is Adalind Schade."

✯ ✯ ✯

"Miss Schade." Renard greets leading the three detectives inside of his office, all three of them watching as a blonde turns to face them. And Isabelle wasn't sure why, but there was something very creepily familiar about the blonde. "I'm Captain Renard. These are Detectives Burkhardt, Kessler, and Griffin."

"Detectives, thank you." Adalind responds smiling.

"You can thank Detective Burkhardt. He's the one who figured it all out." Renard informs her.

"Actually, I'm still trying to piece it all together." Nick responds.

"But don't worry, we're getting there." Isabelle interjects before sending her cousin a confused look.

"We need to ask you a few questions if you're up for it. Can I offer you a cup of coffee?" Hank asks.

"Thanks." Adalind nods.

Isabelle watches closely as Adalind, Hank, and Renard walk out the door, waiting before they're out of hearing range before turning to Nick.

"Okay, what the hell is going on? You look like you're about to choke on a hair ball." Isabelle comments.

"That woman — she's the one that tried to kill Aunt Marie before sticking the needle in me." Nick explains.

"What?" Isabelle gasps as she processes the information that Nick just gave her. Looking out the glass Isabelle watches as Adalind smiles and takes a sip of her coffee. "That bitch is going down."

"Izzy, no." Nick shakes his head, quickly grabbing her arm and pulling her back before she reaches the door. "I'm as angry as you are, but you can't lose your temper. Especially not here."

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Isabelle questions.

"So we know Adalind is a Hexenbiest, right?" Nick inquires.

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