Chapter 10 - Ariana

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It's been a week since I woke up from my coma. Bobby comes by once a day to make sure I'm okay but I can tell he's always thinking about something else when he's here. I get to go back to class today and move back into my normal room. Bobby said he would help me move back but he hasn't shown up yet so I decided to start moving stuff myself. I got upstairs and saw Bobby. My whole body froze and my arms became like noodles and I dropped the box I was carrying. I saw Bobby holding this girl's hand. A girl I had never even seen before. I scrambled to pick up the stuff that had fallen out of the box and get to my room before Bobby saw me.I was half way there when I heard him calling my name.

"Hey." I said once he caught up to me.

"Hi, why didn't you tell me you were starting moving?"

"I did I texted you a hundred times but you never answered so I'm doing it myself." I said sourly.

"Oh sorry. I left my phone in my room on accident."

"Good for you." I said speeding up and stepping into my room.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Bobby.

"Nope everything is hunky dorey." I said slamming my door in his face. I sat on my bed and just stared at the wall for a while or at least until I was sure he was gone. After I knew he was gone I stepped out my door and fell right on my face. There was a bunch of stuff outside my room. When I looked a little closer I realized it was all my stuff. I smiled a little but then I saw him walking down the hall with one more box of stuff and I wiped the smile off my face.

"Woah are you okay?" He asked running over and setting the box down.

"I was just going to get the rest of my stuff and I tripped over everything."

"Oh sorry. You got some rug burn on your knee. Let me help you." He said putting his hand on my knee. I felt a spark as he touched me and then just cold. I just pretended the spark was from the ice but I knew it wasn't.

"Thanks." I said getting up and smoothing out my shirt.

"Ariana we have to talk." He said stopping me from walking back into my room.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?" I said angrily.

"What happened to us?" He asked.

"I don't know. I was in a coma so I don't know what did happen to us?"

"I was by your side every day but the second your better you are avoiding me and acting all angry."

"I know about your little girlfriend."

"Yeah? You rejected me remember?"

"Yeah but..."

"Exactly." He said walking away. I just let him go. I grabbed all my stuff from the hall and started putting it away. A little while later I was really hungry and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat which was a big mistake. I was about to walk in when I saw Bobby and his girlfriend making out on the table. It was getting pretty hot and heavy too. I quickly walked out before they saw me. I was standing outside the kitchen trying to not have a panic attack when colossus walked into the kitchen.

"Woah! Get a freaking room!" He yelled.

"I watched the door and five seconds later Bobby came out and turned right towards me."

"Did you see?"

"I..." I just walked away. I couldn't even look at him. It was disgusting. If anything do that in your room or don't do it at all. I went back to my room and pulled out my secret stash of pop tarts which I saved for emergencies. I decided this qualified and opened one of the packages. I had just finished the first pop tart when my door swung open.

"Ariana I'm sorry that you had to see that and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Aurora but it felt weird to tell you after everything that happened. I wish we could still be friends and I hope you can think about it." Said Bobby trying to catch his breath. It sounded like he was running.

"I don't know." I said seeing the pain in his eyes. "Not too long ago I was Aurora. The new girl who got a really cute guy to show her around the school. The only difference is that I didn't feel that way right away."

"Feel what way?"

"That I like you." I watched Bobby walk out of my room looking frustrated. I wasn't expecting him to get angry I also wasn't expecting him to all of a sudden want to be with me but the one I didn't want to happen happened. I fell asleep that night wishing I could have done things differently and when I woke up in the morning my bedroom had turned into a metal block.

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