Byrd stood by the door of the cave, sewing herself back together mentally; building wall back up again. She hadn't said a word since the incident with Bellamy, and she hadn't left the door of the cave either.

'We'll do that, but we should be safe here,' Kane agreed; 'The Grounder blockade is too close for Pike to to risk looking for us.'

'Yeah, but are we safe from the blockade?' Bryan asked.

'As long as we stay this side of the line, we should be.'

'They're Grounders. You really think they're gonna play by the rules?'

Octavia looked up slightly, a scowl on her lips.

'Hey, Pike'll want you dead now, too,' Miller reminded his boyfriend; 'We take him out, we can go home.'

'We take him out, then the Grounders lift the blockade,' Harper added.

'That's right. We become the thirteenth Clan again. Those were the terms,' Kane nodded.

'Lexa's terms,' Sinclair reminded him; 'If what Bellamy says is true and she's dead, how do we know the next Commander will honour them?'

'One problem at a time.'

'What about Clarke?' Miller asked; 'With Lexa gone, she's not safe in Polis.'

'Clarke made her choice,' Octavia sneered; 'The only thing that matters now is killing Pike.'

Byrd looked over her shoulder at her words, merely glancing at them before she looked away; her hands clenched around her knife.

'Octavia's right,' Kane stated; 'Once we resume our place in the Commander's coalition, Clarke will be safe, so how do we do it?'

They went quiet as they all thought to themselves, before the radio went static for a second.

'Bellamy, come in,' Monty's voice sounded; 'It's Monty. I'm in trouble. Please say you still have your radio.'

Sinclair grabbed the radio, Kane moving to take it from him, but he held his hand out to block him.

'If we respond and Pike's listening-' The man started.

'Go to channel seven,' Bellamy spoke up, causing the group to look at him; 'Please say you still have your radio. That's seven words after the word trouble. It's code. Go to seven.'

Kane glanced at the boy after Sinclair shrugged, nodding to confirm the instructions. The man changed the station and handed the radio over, Monty's voice quick to sound once more.

'Bellamy, are you there?' He asked.

'Monty, it's Kane. What's wrong?' Kane asked.

'Pike knows that I helped you get out.'

'Can you get to the Dropship?'

'I think so.'

'Good. Go there. I'll bring you in... Stay off the radio. Over and out.'

'Hold on. What if it's a trap and Pike's waiting?' Harper suggested.

'That's why I'm going alone.'

Octavia stood as Kane did, 'Like hell you are.'

'I'm with Octavia,' Miller stood, also; 'Monty saved our lives. I'm going, too.'

'No, you're not,' Kane disagreed; 'If it is a trap, I'm not marching our entire insurgency into it.'

'To stop me, you're gonna have to kill me,' Octavia informed him.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now