11. Who Doesn't Love Chinese Take Away and Good Company?

Start from the beginning

"Food! I really need food - are the others coming soon or should I go buy something or -?" I asked, deciding to let Harry go this time. He still owed me his life for giving him Sophie's number. That might come in handy, incase he kept being all secretive.

Harry seemed to relax by my words and Niall burst out; "Let's go get some food! I am literally dying here - oh! And you can not under any circumstances let those two," he pointed directly at Harry and Louis; "get a chance to blackmail you - they are especially mean, when it comes to food! Evil blackmailers I tell you, evil!" Niall snapped and sent the boys a look that said 'I'm watching you'.

I was still laughing, as we all heard someone by the door exclaim a big 'wooooow!' I turned to face the door and saw Zayn, who was standing there; his jaw dropped and a plastic bag in his hand. I quickly noticed the bag and soon the smell of Chinese food hit me, which made my mouth watered. I looked at Niall, who seemed to have caught the beautiful, delicious smell as well.

"This is amazing Molly! I never imagined you had such a place," Liam told me smiling, as he appeared behind Zayn. He was caring some beers and different kinds of sodas in his arms, which he all placed at the kitchen table and looked around the room. Niall, who had quickly snapped the plastic bag from Zayn, was opening one of the take away boxes, breathing in the smell and started looking for a fork, while he was beaming like crazy.

"HORAN! - You still remember the word sharing right?. I know you are from Ireland and all, but you still speak English boy!" Sophie shouted, making Niall jump, as she appeared in the room as the last one. She quickly eyed me, as the guys started laughing of the blushing blonde boy. I knew she was checking, if I was fine. I sent her a huge smile and all the worries in her facial expression disappeared, as she returned the grin and winked.

Louis and Harry were talking at the kitchen island. Sophie and Liam had started preparing dinner, with Niall constantly trying to get some food. Apparently the Chinese restaurant had run out of rice - which was a sentence I never thought, I would hear in my life - so Liam had started boiling water; they said dinner would be ready in twenty minutes. I nodded and as there seemed to be nothing I could help with, I turned to look around for my black haired friend, who had been all silent, since his outburst in the doorway.

He was standing in the other end of the room looking at some of the papers, which were laying at one of my five working-wheeled-islands. I sneaked in on him, as he studied a drawing of mine. I closed in on him still unnoticed - this was too good a chance to waste; "Don't you need some light to see that?" I said just loud enough to make him cower. I giggled, as I turned on the table light and noticed it was one of my working drawings for the concert painting, he was reviewing.

"Gosh! Oh - hey there. Ehm... This is really beautiful! Where did you get the inspiration - is it our concert?" Zayn asked and smiled politely at me, the light was reflected in his beautiful eyes - I had never seen a pair of eyes like his; seriously they were gorgeous!

"Yeah - sometimes I just get super inspired. Like that atmosphere at the concert, it was insane! The fans loved you - you loved the fans, the air was just buzzing with love, you know? Haha- well it was very contagious indeed," I tried to explain. It was always difficult to tell exactly why, I chose to draw or paint the motives I did. But it seemed the black-haired boy understood perfectly, because his smile grew bigger and he nodded, looking back at the drawing.

"So you finished it? The painting I mean. Could I maybe see it?" Zayn asked and I saw real interest in his eyes; it was not always people truly cared about my work - after all it was just some paint and strokes right?

Most reactions would go like; "Can you draw me Molly!? This is so good!" Pretty standard responses indeed, but after you had heard it thousands of times - those exact words - and drawn countless of quick sketched portraits, well it got kind of annoying. I did not expect people to act any different; but it was still definitely nice, when someone seemed genuinely curious about the thoughts behind my work - instead of just focusing on the... workmanship.

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