Chapter V "My Baby?"

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Author's Note:

I hope you guys like this story and are having fun reading about Dom, she's an interesting character. Trying to make her as real as possible.

Anyway thanks for reading, you can all go ahead and vote comment. Tell me what you think about Kole? I'm working on his persona so what do you all think?


"Alright you have exactly ten seconds to give me a good reason why I shouldn't just rip your head off." I said as soon as I walked into the kitchen. Fully clothed, but my hair was still dripping wet. Which honestly at this point in my day. I didn't give a chocolate chip cookie. The guy that had just shoved his tongue in my throat was looking at me with regret.

Oh I'm so going to make you feel more than just regret. I growled in my mind as I strut inside the kitchen. Everyone that was inside with us had moved out of my way.

"I can explain, I really can" His stammering voice just annoyed the hell out of me. I slammed my hand down against the table making a huge slap sound.

"Then explain, I don't need your bull I can explain. I want answers." I demanded

"I know your mad Dom, and it was really wrong of me to have just barged-" He said with his calm innocent voice. Why was he talking like this? I am not some little girl that needs to be eased in order to understand the truth. For some odd reason he was pissing me off.

"Why did you kiss me? I don't need a bull crap intro I want explanations." I snap

"That's what I'm trying to do." He's eyebrows furrowed and something in his aura changed. He didn't seem innocent nor weak anymore. His shoulders broaden and his stance was straight.

"No that's not what you're trying to do, you're trying to use the sensitive card. The 'you should be mad at me' card that way I won't be mad at you." I say to him not realizing that I had made a few steps closer to him. His scent, the amazing heart throbbing scent of mint chocolate engulfing my entire senses. Almost making me stop on my tracks, I was craving him...

"Why are you trying to question everything that's coming out of my mouth?" He snapped at me, taking one step closer towards me. I felt my insides turn into Jell-O. But I was too stubborn to back down. Especially the way those gorgeous golden hazel eyes stared right at me.

"Why are you answering a question with a question? Just answer" I snap

"You know what fine, I kissed you because I wanted kiss you." He said, with not even a trace of remorse. He sounded so confident, so bold that it just made my heart flutter. I don't know what has gone into me but I was insanely attracted to a man that just stormed into the shower while I was naked! I could've been raped!

It's not rape if you like it. I could hear my subconscious whisper to me. Just getting me more fired up.

"Don't you have any decency!" I screamed directing at both him and my dirty mind.

"When it came to you, no." He said in the most dead serious tone ever. I didn't know if I should feel appalled by this.

"You disgust me." I hissed through my gritted teeth, I turned on my heel and started walking towards the door when I feel his hand grab my own and pull me towards him. My hands automatically placed over his chest to help me not crash into him. I didn't know what was going on, the sudden excess of aroma from this man was very overwhelming. It clouded my reasoning and anger in some weird way. All I was able to do was gaze into his eyes.

"Good, because it's going to be a pleasure to change your mind." He said with such power, such confidence almost like... a real dominant man. That it made my legs turn wobbly. Before I could even come up with a good come back he placed his sweet lips on mine. Giving me the opportunity to taste his chocolate flavored lips.

I didn't have control over myself, over my dignity and when he kissed me. My dignity died a beautiful death in that moment in time. I kissed him back, not wanting to let him conquer me with his kiss. Our lips molded into each other, a perfect fit. As the heat that I felt in the shower blazed up again. I could feel everyone's gazes on us and for a rough minute of intense making out, I didn't give a damn.

Reluctantly I gave him a good shove and was bold enough and strong to smack him right across the face. How dare he make me feel the way I felt right now? How dare he just make me feel like a woman right now?

"I want a phone, I can't be anywhere near you." I demanded, at first there was a moment of silence. Everyone around us didn't know what to do at first. Was it okay for them to get in the middle of their Alpha and a stranger?

"Don, give her the phone. I'm going out for a run." He whispered to one of his men and he just went out the yard door. My heart wanted to feel pity for him, but my resurrected dignity had other plans.

I turned around and identified the Don guy to the one that had shot me. I quickly touch my shoulder remembering the injury. Thank God it was still wrapped around. It would make me look suspicious if the wound had healed so fast. As of right now, they didn't tell me anything or attacked me anymore.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I didn't know you were innocent when I saw your eyes." Don said to me with puppy dog eyes. I tried to shove down the smart ass in me and took the phone. I know by innocent he probably meant human. So for right now, my identity as a hybrid is a secret.

"All is water under the bridge, I just want to go to town." I said to him and made a quick call to the hotel that I had booked a night ago. Informing them that I had gotten lost on my way to their hotel. They didn't have many people so they still had my room available for me.

"Alright then, can anyone show me where my bike is? I need to go now." I said to Don more specifically since the other guys just looked at me without any sign of emotion on their face.

"About that, Dominyque, on our way over here... We got into a predicament with your bike." He said almost too ashamed. My face literally drop a few shades of skin color while I stared at him with fear.


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