Chapter XVI "This Place Is Not My Home"

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"I'm kind of getting sick and tired of everyone just staring at me." My voice was cold and irritated but it was just because ever since I got into the car with Nana. Every car we passed any citizen that just so happened to be a werewolf would turn and glare at me.

So their golden animalistic gaze wasn't going to find it appealing to see an ice blue vampire gaze anywhere near his or her land. But that didn't change the fact that it was making me super freaking uncomfortable. If they only knew that technically speaking I belong to this wolf town.

My body was already tensing up even when the stupid driver kept on looking at the back. Wow if i thought America was judgy; Spain comes pretty close to first.

"It's okay Dom, just take it easy." Kole placed his hand on top of mine. I would've thought such a corny ass gesture would bug me. But it didn't, my nerves were calmed and the beast inside me was in a way soothe.

Mate bond 1: Self Control 0

I took a couple of deep breaths before i turned my palm face up and let our fingers interlace. That took a different toll than I thought I would have, my heart fluttered and my cheeks reddened just a bit.

"So you haven't told me why on earth have you not marked her?" Nana went off again and those light blue eyes flashed it's momentarily honey colored irises. She was one whole gallon of cheer-ios.

Kole tensed up once again and he tried to look everywhere instead of Nana and me. I've heard stuff about marking from texts that I've used to read when i went to school.

So of course there's the whole mate thing. One look between a werewolf's mate and he/herself is enough for their connection to be semi sealed. Then after they pronounce to almost the entire pack line of their encounter. Even from their first look the strong urge to mark each other is very much present.

What the books never said was how did they mark each other?

Did they bite each other?

"I haven't marked her yet because we are yet to define our relationship." Kole answered smoothly. You could almost not hear his tensed uncomfortable tone. Almost.

"What is there to define? You both are meant for each other. What's the hold up my dear?" All of a sudden Nana's spotlight was now directed to me. Now i know how Kole felt, her curious blue eyes were enough to make you feel so exposed.

"I'm not sure if I want a mate yet." My candid response made the entire aura of the car even heavier and possibly a bit off.

Nana looked at me almost as if I said a taboo comment. Her eyes weren't as joyful as before, there was a mix of hurt and pity. She placed her white hand on her chest. Trying to really understand what I had just said.

"Dominyque, I know that I haven't been in your life much to express my opinion-"

"No honestly, you have not been in my life at all. Even with the family, that I did spend a long time with, did I ever let them intrude in my decisions." I intervened in a very rude matter. But to be honest, if I gave the family that did raise me attitude. What made this stranger think that I was going to sit here and listen to her sermon?

My bi-color gaze stared into her own honey colored tone. The odd part of this stare down was that I was the only one with my walls up. You could clearly see the hurt in her gaze but she wasn't going to backlash at me.

She closed her eyes and looked down at her hands.

"I'm sorry Dominyque, which this family left you on your own for so long. But don't take out your hurt on your mate, because he has fought for you when you thought no one cared for you." Her gaze returned to their original blue as she looked back outside.

Honestly, I didn't know how to respond to that. For these same reasons I hated to not be able to talk back. I hated to be in the wrong because this weird bitter feeling swelled up in my pit of my stomach.

As I lay there in the silence of the car drive, I couldn't help but think on the warmth of Kole's hand. Even after what I said he didn't flinch.

I discretely turned to look at him; his gaze was directed towards the outside of the car. He wasn't upset or happy; he was just lost in a different world where his mate probably doesn't say she doesn't want him.

I bite the inside of my cheeks not wanting to pout at this very moment. Why do I always keep feeling like I'm becoming the bad guy every single time I talk about this?

"You only get one mate in your whole life Dominyque. Sometimes we're not even lucky to have one. Sometimes years might pass and you'll never meet that one person that will know how you feel. Will know how to help you up when you fall. Having a mate isn't a forced destiny, it's a miracle. It's hope." Nana placed her hand on my knee trying to comfort me.

"Your father used to say that this place wasn't his home. Yes, it was where his blood relatives live but he always felt distant towards everyone. That is until he met your mother. "She continued on but some part of me wasn't ready to hear this.

Yes I knew that my parents lived each other with every ounce of burning passion. Then I came along and ruined their lives. They died because of me, that night. The night our home burned into raging flames was tattooed permanently.

Maybe meeting each other was a miracle. But having me was a curse.

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