Chapter XIII "Don't"

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Author's Note:

So as the last note said I was going through some rough time that it was hard to go to this story and write. That's because the one person I loved and inspired this story didn't love me anymore.

But after endless nights of thinking and crying and unable to read this story without crying. It got better and now I'm not writing this story because of an image of a guy. I'm writing this because I have a story to tell and I want to keep writing.

"You must think that I'm stupid or something." My eyes flashed once again their menacing colors as I slammed my hands down on the desk. I could easily break this stupid wooden piece of crap. Stefan just smirked him pompous lips as he lay back against the desk chair.

"Oh I know you're not stupid, that's the only good gene you got from my family." He rolled his eyes almost as if it annoyed him to say it. I scoffed and wanted to tell him to shove his stupid genes up his royal uptight ass!

"Prince Stefan, I do not agree for my mate to move across the seas just to go to a private school." Kole intervened and you can tell by his tone that he wanted nothing more than to have this royal pain out of his pack house.

"Oh yes yes, that annoying mating bond that you have with th- Dominyque. Listen Alpha, I know that your wolf might want to rip my neck for this-"

"Oh he's not the only one." I snarked and earned a glare from Royal Ass.

"But you must surely understand that the Royal Lycan family has to do everything and anything in order to maintain a true image of our blood. And Dominyque, whether you like it or not your father wanted you to be a proper princess worthy of being one of the successors to the Lycan throne. You're eighteen so that means you have a lot to catch up with." He finished his oh so superior speech

Except, that it really got me thinking... what if my dad really did want me to follow in the Salvatore's footsteps. The thing was that I was never going to be able to know since my father is six feet under. My chest started to ache when I thought about my parents, it was this void in my core that I felt whenever I knew that I can't ask them anything.

I've tried many times to just mask the hurt, the loss but this time. It was different; I feel that warm comforting touch lingering around my hand. When I snapped back from my black hole I looked up at Kole's light forest eyes. He wanted to comfort me; it was clear in his eyes.

The weird part was that somewhere inside of me wanted his touch. I wanted his comfort. Before I could even decide on anything my body leaned in against his warmth. His body immediately responded towards my reaction. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me in to his heat. My head resting against his strong beating heart.

"Dom, you don't have to do what thi- the Prince told you. I'm sure that your father would want you to be happy going your own way." His voice strained at the last part. He knew that even if we belonged together... will I be able to stay? Be his Luna?

It's too soon of a problem to deal with right now. But I knew he was right, I wasn't going to be manipulated by whatever this ass hole was meaning to plot.

Except my instincts were telling me to go for it, that there was something waiting for me in that side of the world. So what if I need to create a little cause to a Lycan family. Serves them right for banning my father just like that.

I looked up at Kole and smiled at him. It wasn't my cocky ass smile that I've been giving him lately, it was the 'I can do this'

I turned to Stefan and switched my attitude to the bitchy me.

"Oh it's on, I'll go. I always wanted to know how it would be like to rip your reputations to shred." In that small second Stefan's superior skin shed for just a second. I saw the same wolf that wanted to kill me on the field moments ago.

He quickly hid it away, but by the sound of Kole's low growl I knew that I had a witness.

"I'll inform my grandfather of your arrival tomorrow, see you until then Miss Pierce." Just like that he escorted himself out of the room. And we successfully survived Hurricane Stefan.


"You're not going to Barcelona Dom, are you crazy you don't know anything about the Lycan family." Again Kole has not stopped talking about this ever since Stefan left and I swear it's really getting to me.

"Look Kole, just because you're my mate it doesn't mean you own me. Besides if I want to go to China I will! Because I'm eighteen you idiot!" I snapped back at him and his forest colored eyes turned to black.

Of course as an alpha he wasn't accustomed to being yelled at by a total outsider of his pack, mate or not.

"NO maybe I'm not anything but just a 'mate." His voice sounded hurt, I wanted to look away. Because in all due honestly something in me shook when i dismissed our bond like a high school fling.

"But this mate just so happens to know the Lycan's law. How they think. How they prioritize and if you just go in there thinking you're just going to go guns blazing to get what you want. It's childish and foolish." He snapped at me.

"That's just who I am Kole." I said to him in a cold tone.

"Well I accepted you a long time ago Dom, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stand by and lose my mate again." His black eyes didn't change but his tone... it was wounded making my heart move.

"I don't remember you so it mustn't have been that important," My harsh words wounded my Alpha's heart because through our bond I knew that I crossed a line.

I turned around wanting to apologize for the first time in my life, but his green emerald eyes kept me silent.

"I guess you're right... it wasn't that great." Just like that he turned his back on me and started walking away from me.

"Kole, I-" I was going to go to him when his black eyes looked at mine.

"Don't," He growled in his alpha tone and left me alone in the middle of the living room.

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