'It was a mistake to bring him here,' Indra muttered. 

'He was out the whole way, and I searched him for bugs,' Octavia answered. 

Bellamy sat up slowly, 'You think I'd let them hurt you?'

'Shut your mouth,' Indra sneered. 

'Indra, we talked about this,' Octavia stated. 

'You waste time. You should be in their camp by now.'

'No. It's suicide. Pike will be expecting you,' Bellamy disagreed; 'You won't get close. I can. We can save them, but we have to work together.'

'You're the reason they need saving,' Byrd sneered. 

'Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that you need me.'

'For the first time in my life, that's not true,' Octavia shook her head. 

She stared at her brother for a second before she turned and walked away, leaving the remaining pair to watch after her with Bellamy. 

'O,' He called; 'O.'

Indra followed after her first, leaving Byrd to chuckled softly. 

'She's not a little girl anymore, Bellamy,' She drawled as she sat down. 

'I know,' He replied. 

'She doesn't need you, not anymore.'

'I know.'

'Then why do you act like she does?'

'Because she's my sister.'

'She's mine, too. You don't see me coddling her, do you?'

He sighed, leaning back against the wall with a defeated look on his face. 

'I should kill you for what you did, but I think it hurts you more knowing,' She stated calmly; 'You need to learn how to live with it, because even though she's mad at you, she won't kill you.'

'What about you?' He croaked. 

'I need you, once I don't, then maybe.'


'You're gonna tell me what's been going on, you're going to tell me how my mother is... Then I'll see if you get to live or not.'

He looked down, eyes glassy. 

'Now,' She stated; 'Since I left.'

A long sigh left the boy's mouth, before he looked up at her; holding her gaze before he began to speak.


'Package is on the move. I repeat, package is on the move. We are a go,' Harper's voice sounded through the radio; 'OkS, is your team in position?'

Octavia and Byrd stood in a dark room, waiting for the signal to go. They'd left Bellamy back in the cave with Indra, letting them sneak back into camp with the help of Miller, Harper and Monty. 

'Roger that. We're in position and ready to intercept,' Octavia replied. 

Byrd leant her ear up against the door, trying to listen into what was happening on the other side. There was muffled yelling she couldn't make out and the slam of a door, before the heavy footsteps sounded. She looked to Octavia and nodded, standing to push the door open slowly. She stalked up the hall and peaked around the corner to find Brian and another man guarding a door, winking to Brian when he glanced toward them. He began to talk to the man, distracting him as she came up from behind, stabbing in him the neck before catching him as he fell. 

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now