"Why don't we go out for pizza?" Dad asked.

"I would love that but Luke's upstairs."

"In your room?" He yelled.

"Relax, we're just doing a project."

"Lola, he's a boy."

I rolled my eyes, "You don't need to worry about me doing something with him or him trying to make a move. If he tries anything, you'd hear screaming." I chuckled. "And not from me."


I grabbed two fruitpunch then ran upstairs to find Luke on my computer, playing Green Day. He was biting his lip piercing while scrolling. I don't know why but I felt shivers go up my back when I saw him.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I set the drinks next to him.

"Just checking twitter and stuff like that." I nodded and sat on my bed. "What's your twitter handle, I'll follow you."

"I don't have one." I said straight up. He turned around, gaping and I just shrugged. "I don't have friends and I find it unsafe."

"They're fun." He protested. A smile crept on his face giving me an uncomfortable feeling. "I'm going to make you one."

I shook my head "Don't."

"Come on, Heart."

"Why, what's wrong with just texting?" I asked.

"Fine, no twitter. What about instagram?"

"Why would I want to show the public my face?" I chuckled.


"No, Luke. I don't have that many friends and I kind of want to keep it that way."

"What if I want to see your face, know what you're feeling," He came over and sat next to me. "What if I want to change my status to in a relationship with Lola Heart?"

"Luke, I don't want any of those social media things." He held my hand and smiled at me. I played with his bracelets then he held my hand to stop me. "What?"

He shook his head, "Nothing." He let my hand go.

"Why do you wear these?" I asked.

"How did you know I called you my girlfriend?" He said changing the subject.

"I saw you," I answered, disregarding my question.

"You did," He moved closer. "What did you see?"

"I saw her fail at flirting." I chuckled. "She was so horrible." I laughed.

"You were that raven haired girl across the hall weren't you?"

I shrugged. "Maybe."

He leaned in and whispered. "You did the plan without me."

Right then and here I totally forgot that Calum and I left Luke out of our plan, the plan he came up with and begged me to go through. Them guilt washes over me, which barely happens, but this time it felt horrible.

"Hurry up, Luke's waiting." I yelled at Lulu, who as still deciding her outfit for the day.

"I'll be down in a minute." She yelled.

I groaned. "You have five minutes or we're leaving without you."

"Wait," She whined.

The front door opened and in he came, strolling over to me. I put my hand on his chest as he leaned in for his good morning kiss.

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