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Gloria runs from zombies

who live yet are dead,

growling and hobbling,

their danger in their numbers.

"Leave me be!" she wails

as she scrambles up a rocky slope.

Her snarling pursuers follow,

but they have no coordination.

They topple off each crag they try to cling to

and weep

in their thousands,

tattered faces contorting with need

like a mob of old and wrinkly children.

"Ignore them,"

Gloria mutters to herself.

"Your name

means glory."

She has learned the ways

of a world that eats its own.

The bonfires of walled settlements

glitter in the desert.

She'll journey there in time.

For now she keeps ascending,

until the stone heights that

the living dead

cannot scale

are simply hills she climbed

to reach mountains.

Heartpen: Poems of a Cardiac QuillWhere stories live. Discover now