Shiro took a very deep breath, running his good arm through his hair.

" Adam got stabbed by Lotor... he was torturing him in the basement." The older brother began. Keith sat by with a hand over his mouth. He decided not to interrupt Shiro and save all of his comments for the end, at least for right then. He doubted that his decision to do so would hold true. " I told Matt and Hunk to find you and Lance, and take Adam to the hospital. Lotor wanted me to go into this room in the basement with him, and after I knew Matt and Hunk had Adam, I went in there with him."

Shiro really hoped this would all make sense.

" While I was down there fighting with him, Matt went out to look for you and Lance. He told me afterward. He found a blood trail and knew someone escaped. On the way out, Matt got shot, but he made it out. The three of them took my car and tried to get to the hospital, and on the way there they found your guys' car plowed into a lampost."

" Wait, what?" Keith cut in.

" You crashed right by the hospital. You weren't even a block away." Shiro told him, and Keith's heart rate was just beginning to return to 'normal.' It was still elevated, and sitting at a steady above average. " While all this was happening, Lotor was fighting with me. He wanted it to be some final clash to the death or something like that..." He trailed off.

" Is he gone?" Keith's eyebrows sank down and the anger was evident on his face.

Shiro nodded.

" Yeah... I barely got out of it, though."

Keith was just beginning to notice the bruises on Shiro's face, and the split lip he had. Right as he saw those, his eyes were yet again catching on the bandages, and on the arm that he hadn't seen his brother move at all.

" What did he do to you?" Keith lifted his hand, pointing to Shiro's arm. There was a heart monitor clamped onto one of his fingers still, and Shiro pulled the gauze back from Keith's arm.

" You see... the room he took me to... it was like a panic room. The whole room was rigged to blow, just in case he lost. He wanted to take me down with him, and he didn't care who all he hurt..." Shiro explained. " By the time I busted down the door to the room, it was ablaze. My arm took a lot of the heat. The fire spread to the rest of the mansion really quick after the explosion, and everyone was just scrambling to get out. I ran up the stairs and looked for any survivors... but I couldn't find anyone alive from our side in there."

" Who all died?" Keith choked up.

" Nyma and Rolo didn't make it. Neither did Kolivan or Ulaz. Slav was just showing up, and missed the whole thing, and Thace fought his way out. I heard from him later." Shiro said. " I was just seeing Slav in the driveway when I heard the sirens, and Slav and I had to hide in a bush. God, the guy never shuts up... we're lucky the cops didn't find us." Shiro's eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he thought about Slav.

" So... let me get this straight... you killed Lotor, but his whole mansion burned down afterward? How is this not getting traced back to us?" Keith asked.

" Most of the evidence was torched. My car was already gone by the time the cops got there. The police aren't asking many questions about us. They think Adam and Matt were random acts of violence because of Hunk's cover story, and Pidge fudged the license and registration on the car you stole." Shiro sighed.

Keith was back to thinking about Lance, just wondering what was going on in the other room. He needed to see him, but he knew that he needed to figure everything out first.

" Where is everyone now?" Keith stared into his brother's eyes, just trying to gauge his emotions.

" Adam is in a medically induced coma for now... Matt is recovering from the gunshot. I'm burned all on my right arm, and they almost had to amputate it. Hunk, Pidge, Romelle, Shay, and Kosmo are all fine. And Lance... I already told you..."

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