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(( Can I just say that I love Hunk and Shay? Thank you, that is all.))

Lance was distant, withdrawn. It was clear as he picked at his breakfast that something was up with him. Keith slid his hand over to his boyfriend's, holding it under the table and squeezing it. Lance looked up from his plate, sending a tiny smile to Keith. As soon as he glanced back down, however, it all but disappeared.

Keith scooted closer to Lance, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.

" Babe." He said, cupping Lance's cheek.

" What's up?" Lance asked, realizing that maybe he was letting his feelings get the best of him. He didn't want Keith to worry about him, or make a fuss, or do anything of the sort. He had to pretend like he was fine, like he wasn't still torn up.

Why couldn't Keith just say it?! Lance felt like he was stepping on eggshells anytime he felt the urge to tell Keith the L word. One, because it hurt. And two... the thought of Keith not saying it back was terrifying to him.

" Is something bothering you?" Keith asked him sincerely, his eyebrows sinking in concern. Lance smiled his way, picking up a strip of bacon and biting into it.

" I'm fine. Why?" The taller boy asked. If there was anything he wasn't going to do, it was tell Keith. Then he feared Keith would say it just for the sake of saying it instead of actually meaning his words. If Keith told him that, Lance wanted it to be on his own accord.

" I don't know... lately you've been so withdrawn, and it's not like you at all." Keith said, getting even closer to Lance so that they could make a very intimate form of eye contact. He wanted to be certain that Lance wasn't evading his question.

Lance smiled after swallowing and taking a big gulp of orange juice. He brought his boyfriend's hand up to his lips, where he placed a sweet kiss atop of it.

" Baby, nothing's wrong. I've just been tired." Lance assured him, and Keith seemed to be searching his eyes for an answer. If he was being honest, that wasn't the answer Keith wanted to hear. That wasn't to say that Keith didn't want Lance to be happy, it was just that he didn't believe that to be the case.

" Alright." Keith said, still slightly suspicious.

" Your bedhead is adorable." Lance ruffled Keith's mullet and grinned.

'Nice subject change', Keith thought to himself. He didn't want to fight about it, though.

" Yeah, well-" Keith stammered, blushing a tad while looking over Lance and trying to come up with something to retort. " Your eyes are cute when you're tired."

" Is this a declaration of war?" Lance asked, narrowing his eyes while leaning by Keith's cheek and peppering a kiss there. " Because I can and will win this."

" Maybe it is." Keith chuckled, feeling Lance's hot breath tickling his ear.

Lance might've been bummed about the word he didn't want to think about right then, but he wanted to enjoy his time with Keith in spite of it. Lance wasn't about to let a single word stand in between he and Keith.

" Your fuzzy socks are precious, and so is the way you sock surf around in them." Lance whispered, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy and hugging him close to himself.

A war of compliments? Keith got flustered too easily to survive it.

" Yeah, well-" Keith looked Lance over. " That shirt makes your muscles pop~"

Lance smiled while kissing Keith's cheek again, pulling the smaller boy closer and planning on closing the gap between their lips.

He didn't quite get that far.

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