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(( My sweet boi Lance can't handle this ;-;))

Shiro's pharmaceutical company was massive, and had many establishments across the country, but the headquarters wasn't far from the mansion. That did nothing to ease Lance's nerves on the situation. He wasn't able to procrastinate on the way there, because there was barely a trip there at all. It was fifteen minutes if he was lucky.

Keith drove the jet black Mercedes while Lance stayed in the passenger seat.

" How many people are on the watch list?" Keith asked Lance while turning the vehicle.

" Uhhh-" Lance flipped through the pages of the packet Shiro had given. " Ten."

" Great. That's just peachy." Keith groaned. Maybe rooting out this person wouldn't be as easy as he'd assumed. " I honestly don't know why we're screwing around with this. Why can't we just take Lotor out?"

" Shiro hasn't ever killed anyone. Do you think he'd want to start that now?" Lance told Keith, while at the same time trying to fight off his feeling of impending doom. It ached in his chest, and seemed to suck the vitality from him. Lance rarely felt like that. Sure, he had some degree of anxiety when it came to missions, but it had become way more severe after Shiro had sent he and Keith out.

" I think maybe he should make an exception." Keith huffed. " If anyone deserves it, it's him‍‍."

" Maybe you're right." Lance said, looking down and to the side. He couldn't shake the thoughts away. It didn't matter how much he internally scolded himself, or pretty much swatted the pesky feelings with a rolled up newspaper of reason, they remained.

He was so conflicted that he could barely think about anything else. Lance wondered if telling Keith would only make him more angry, if using that word would cause the smaller boy to feel uncomfortable.

As they pulled into the parking ramp and such, Lance could feel his heart punching his ribcage. Before Keith could get out the driver's side, he reached across and grabbed his hand.

Keith's eyes wandered over to Lance, and he didn't say anything at first.

" Keith... can you promise me something?" Lance asked him. Promises were something Lance didn't make often, because he'd been shown how sudden and brutal life could be. His own family had promised him many things, but that didn't stop them from getting splattered across the kitchen. That didn't stop people from mopping the floor with their blood.

" Depends." Keith spoke. He might've been a little mad at Lance still, but he shook it off. " What is it?"

Lance intertwined their fingers, making sure that they were tightly laced together.

" Promise me that you'll stay safe today. Promise me that you'll stay close to me..." Lance quietly uttered, but his tone was still very serious. His volume was low, but in a way that drove his point even harder.

Keith felt a wave of something roll over his body. He wasn't sure what to call it, but it was powerful and warm. Lance's voice resonated in his chest as he sat there and let his words soak in.

Instead of arguing that he didn't need a bodyguard, Keith could tell that he would've been hurting Lance if he did. It would've been detrimental to his boyfriend's mental state if he refused.

" I will... okay? I promise." Keith said. He leaned across the middle divide and pressed a kiss on Lance's lips. It wasn't just a peck, though. It held a meaning that only Lance could understand.

" Okay." Lance sent him a tiny, somewhat relieved smile. He wanted to believe that Keith would never break his promises, but his anxiety was always on the back burner begging to differ.

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