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(( Fuck slow burns, I'm not about that life. By the way... I know the beginning of this book seems sort of lighthearted, but be prepared for the truckload of angst later. It'll hit hard and fast eventually.))

" Look, I don't like this, you don't like me, but the least you can do is be civil." Lance said, trying to keep up with Keith. Whenever he'd speed up the pace of his walking, Keith would go faster. It would keep on happening over and over, so Lance had given up on walking side by side with him.

" Whatever." Keith rolled his eyes, arriving at his room. He put his hand on the handle, but then turned behind himself once he saw that Lance wasn't going away.

Great. The hot douchebag was actually listening to Shiro. Correction, the obedient hot douchebag.

" So..." Lance began. " Are you going to be mad at me forever?"

Keith took his hand off of the handle.

" Just don't touch my stuff." He reiterated.

" Is there something special about that knife?" Lance asked curiously. And Kosmo, who was by Keith, growled at him more. The husky's back, which was covered with a lighter grayish blue fur, arched somewhat.

" Why would I tell you?" Keith pursed his lips.

" There you go with the attitude again." Lance folded his arms. " And I want to get to know you. You're Shiro's brother. That guy has done so much for me."

" I won't even be here for long. It doesn't matter." Keith was looking Lance over while he spoke, appreciating his suit. He was definitely muscular, and tall, and fit, and... his type. Aside from the whole douchebag thing. Lance just looked like a player.

" Why do you want to leave so badly? Lotor and his people will literally murder you." Lance's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

" Whatever, just-" Keith cut himself off. " Goodnight." He went into the room, and Lance found the door being slammed in his face.


Keith was... complicated. There had to have been more to him than a bitchy attitude, right? He had a nice ass going for him, and Lance had definitely noticed that.

But who was he? He and Shiro were like night and day.


Keith had finally slipped away from Lance after being followed around by him for most of the day.

The basement of the mansion was a really nice place to clear his mind. There was a pool table, some old arcade games, a dart board, a jukebox, a flat screen, a couch, and probably the most relaxing thing, a bar. It was sort of like a miniature pub down there, and Keith was already feeling better. Maybe the booze helped.

Vodka was honestly a saint.

Keith took a sip from his drink and sighed.

So much for going to work, so much for going home. He'd been sucked back into this life despite his desperate attempts to leave. It was like a black hole. Nothing could escape.

Gang life had perks. Like the giant mansion for example. But it didn't make up for all the bloodshed.

When Shiro started his family, things had gone great at first. It wasn't meant to be a violent thing at all. He, being the CEO of a massive pharmaceutical company, and also a millionaire, chose to take troubled people under his wing. Shiro was just lonely, and wanted to help the less fortunate.

But, man. He could've never imagined it would turn into something like this, and that an all out gang war would ensue. He never thought that he'd have to train his family in combat and weapons.

Bullets {Klance Gang AU}Where stories live. Discover now