"Almost, Hazza. Don't be so impatient. You will see it in a moment."

I pull a large key out of my trouser pocket and hold it in front of his face. I stop in front of a well-kept Art Nouveau villa. Harry looks astonished at the building.

"That's amazing, Zayn. Look at the balconies. They are so hidden. And do you see the columns in front of them? You know, I'm excited about it. How did you find this? What a jewel."

Harry claps his hands and stares up the front of the house.

"Unlock the door, darling." I encourage him as we stand in front of the huge, heavy wooden door.


"Right here, darling. Now hurry up. Finally unlock it."

He hesitantly reaches for the old key and turns it around in his hands.

"I still don't quite understand. Why are we here? Why do you have a key to the house?"

With all his might he presses his body against the door. It creaks loudly when opened. It's dark in the stairwell and it smells musty. We could hear quiet noises coming from inside the apartments. I love that. It tells so much; who lives in it, how it is cared for and whether people are happy or unhappy.

"We gotta get to the top floor of the building, Haz."

The old wooden steps were worn away in the middle and creak under our feet. Sunlight enters through the coloured window panes and makes them shimmer. The setting sun flushes them. We'll stop in front of a wide wing door.

"We're here?" he asks, a little disbelieving.

"Right here or rather behind this door."

I do like to keep Harry in suspense.  Restlessly he scurries around in front of the door. 

Those lips, I think. Those pink lips makes me lose my mind every time. Gently I take Harry in my arms and I'll have to memorize them. One day I will draw his mouth, I think. Harry's subtle scent of his aftershave rises up my nose. I inhale deeply every molecule of it. I wish I could stop the time, and I could hold this moment. These moments are precious and timeless.

 I have fallen for Harry, this wonderful man. My life would be completely empty without him. Everything has changed.  He brings out the fire, the excitement and the happiness. I no longer live only for painting and Gigi. No, I also live for him and have discovered deep feelings in myself. You have to find the raw jewel inside.

"I know, I know what it is, Zayn. I already know it," he says.

"Come on, darling." I laugh and kiss him on the tip of his nose. "You don't suspect a thing."

"O, I do. It is your other studio! Am I right?"

I shake my head.

"Well, let me tell you something, you're dead wrong."

Now he's baffled and sulking because I spoiled his success.

"Haha... did I take your victory?" I chuckle.

"A little bit already, Zayn. But then what is it?"

My little curly head. The more impatient he gets, the more beautiful he looks. The heart jumps in my chest when I see him like that. His beautiful hair falls on his broad shoulders and I melt again at this sight.

The key cracks loudly in the door lock and the door opens. I felt after the switch in the dark. When the apartment is bathed in soft light, we standing there motionless. 

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now