Kuroo Tetsuro - Embarrassed

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I know it's not Valentine's day but I felt like I needed to write something so here ya go
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You never had a single crush, or love at first sight through out your entire life. You never saw the point in it and never believed in that sort of stuff.


Ever since you had started at Nekoma high, there's this third year that caught your attention. Kuroo Tetsuro.

You could say you had a super!



crush on this dude.

Valentine's day was right around the corner and it left you in this interesting position. You never felt this feeling before towards someone and you didn't know what to do.

Something else that's much to your concern, it's like everybody knows you have a thing for the bed head. It's like you're transparent, they can see right through you. But for Kuroo, he didn't give any indications that he knows, or he probably did. You just freak out everytime thinking about if he knows you have a crush on him.

You had two options for Valentine's day.

A.) Give him the gifts ominously and let him forever wonder however is out there pondering his heart.


B.) You can go up to him, gift in hand, tell him exactly how you felt. Pouring your heart out and just letting him know "Hey, I really, really like you.."


You already know you chose plan A. You laughed at yourself that you almost chose plan B. Your best friend stood back with a concerned look.

"(F-F/n)~chan? Are you alright?"

You pushed up your glasses with a smirk on your face. "I'm defiantly going for plan A. You already know I'm a coward." You laughed hysterically.

Your best friend sighed with a sweat drop, knowing exactly what you're talking about. "That's nothing to be proud of.."

After you and (b/f/n) finished school, you asked (him/her), "Ne, (b/f/n)~chan, do you want to go shopping with me?"

(B/f/n) nodded and smiled. "Sure! I need flowers and chocolate for my family anyway."

You and your best friend were like in and out of that store. All you two needed were roses and boxes of chocolate.

You picked up a box of chocolate and stared at it, thinking of Kuroo. "Hey, (b/f/n)~chan, do you think Kuroo~kun will like me back?"

(B/f/n) froze, a little shocked about the question. (She/he) almost didn't know what to say. "I'm sure he'll like you back. Who wouldn't want to be with an intelligent and pretty girl?"

Silence crept over the two, making it a little uncomfortable for your best friend until you decided to break it. "(B/f/n)~chan, I have a plan and you're going to help me."

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It's finally the next day, Valentine's Day.

You and your best friend was in your seats. You two looked at each other with determined faces and then you both nodded. Your plan is in action.

You gave (b/f/n) the box of chocolate and rose you were going to give to Kuroo for a gift.

(B/f/n) took the gifts and made (his/her) way to the teachers desk. Your best friend leaned over the desk and whispered. "When Kuroo Tetsuro comes into the classroom, give him these gifts that my best friend got him, but don't tell him who it's from."

Teacher nodded and had a look of determination while holding onto the gifts. It was like he knew what type of plan you're pulling.

Right when  Kuroo walked into the classroom, he looked up from his phone when the teacher called his name.

"Oi, Kuroo~san! You got a gift here from a special someone!" The teacher shouted loud and clear for the whole class to hear while lifting his eyebrows up and down with a smirk.

You internally started freaking out. What the heck was the teacher trying to do?! One of your eye started to twitch in anger.

Kuroo looked confused, but went up to the teachers desk and received the gifts from the teacher. "I hope you enjoy the chocolate from that special someone. Hah, winka winka." The teacher winked twice with that annoying smirk that you wanted to wipe off his face.

You started screaming internally again, STOP IT!! STOP ITTTTTT!!!! You mentally smacked the desk multiple times.

As Kuroo was heading to his desk, which is next to yours, while holding onto the rose and chocolates, he felt a little embarrassed when the students started whispering about him. His cheeks slowly became pink.

He sat down and looked at both you, which almost gave you a heart attack, and your best friend, cheeks still pink from embarrassment. "Are you two responsible for this?" He asked with a smirky grin.

You and your best friend started laughing, but for you, it was more like a nervous chuckle.

Your best friend was trying to explain what was going on, trying (his/her) best not to mention you like him. You just felt complete trash since Kuroo thought that it was prank. It makes sense since it made him slightly embarrassed. You just rested your head on your desk, wanting to go home.

He was embarrassed. You were embarrassed and you wanted to hide into your hoodie forever. But, something unexpected happen. You saw him eating the chocolate you gave him. You just thought he was gonna throw it away and not care, but there he was, looking at the rose and eating the chocolate.

"Wait, you're gonna keep it?" You asked, a bit surprised.

"Well, yeah. It might be weird, but I like it." He smiled while a small pink hue formed over his cheeks

Your surprised face turned into a happy, warm smile. Your cheeks also turning a bit pink.

A successful Valetine for you.

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Ah, sorry that took so long. I was unable to write because I had no motivation, but here i am now!

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