" LANCE! KEITH!" Matt bellowed into the mansion. They had to find the couple, like Shiro had said. After all, they were in enemy waters.

No answer.

Matt looked around with beading eyes, then down to Adam.

" Take him to the car. If I'm not back in five minutes, leave me." Matt told him. He helped lift Adam so that Hunk could piggyback him.

" Are you crazy?!" Hunk exclaimed.

" Matt... no..." Adam wheezed. Matt felt tears dribbling on his cheeks, pressing a kiss on Adam's cheek.

" I have to look for them." He said, running and beginning to search. He snatched a gun off of one of Lotor's guards, then tripped. He looked back, seeing that he'd tripped over Nyma and Rolo's bodies. Blood covered his palms, which had reached out to brace his fall.

Then it hit Matt... what if Lance and Keith were dead somewhere in the mansion? He prayed not as he rushed up the staircase. Dead bodies, mainly Lotor's guards, were everywhere.

Hunk got Adam out the door, walking cautiously toward Shiro's car. Adam was groaning in pain the whole time.

" Sorry, man. We'll get you to the hospital..."

" Sh-Shiro... what about him?" Adam croaked, and Hunk stared down. He doubted that Shiro would make it out. Lotor had way more people, and the home court advantage.

Matt was clearing the rooms, looking inside every one of them on the upstairs. He checked a bedroom, finding a large red stain on the sheets. One of Lotor's members was shot dead, but the blood on the bed couldn't have been from that. There was a trail of drops of blood that led out of the room, and as Matt followed them, he found that they led to the stairs.

Whoever was hurt had made a run for it.

Matt knew it had to be Lance and Keith, because he'd looked through everywhere else. That was all the reassurance he needed before heading toward the main door. Right as he was pulling it open to make his escape, he heard another gunshot and felt a searing pain in his right shoulder. Okay. So some of Lotor's guards were still living.


Matt rushed out the door, not wanting to fight whoever had just shot him. He scampered to Shiro's car, hopping in the backseat with Adam. Hunk was in the driver's.

" Drive!" Matt hissed, clenching his jaw and holding his shoulder.

The tires squealed while they ripped out of the driveway, and Matt felt more tears leaving his eyes. Not from the gunshot, but from the fact that they'd just left Shiro there, probably to die.


Snow was falling outside, making it all the more difficult for Keith to see. His eyes were murky and clouded with tears as he looked over at Lance in the passenger seat. He was sobbing and flooring the gas pedal, swerving in and out of lanes of traffic.

Numerous horns were honked at him during the whole thing, but Keith couldn't even hear them.

He'd lost it, and he was temporarily insane. Knowing that it was his fault, that Lance was dying because of him, Keith wanted to just put a gun in his mouth. But he couldn't do that. He had to get Lance help, he had to make sure that the bullet inside of Lance didn't kill him.

If Lance died, they both died. Keith's heart was beating out of his chest and his breathing was shallow as he had a practical panic attack in the driver's seat. Breathing was already ten times harder with his crying, due to the snot and the lump in his throat. He almost felt like he was suffocating.

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