chapter 10

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"Aw this is so cute I gotta take a picture!" "Shut up Trev you're gonna wake them up." "Atta boy Hughesy am I right boys?" "Ow! Josh what was that for?" "Because Matt you're being an idiot" 

I was rudely woken up by the sound of annoying ass hockey players, but I kept my eyes closed. Once I was awake, I was able to notice what the hell was going on. 

I was currently laying on the couch in the movie room. There was a strong arm wrapped around my waist, and I was completely pushed up against him, so I wouldn't fall off. I could feel their chest moving against my back, and their face was nuzzled basically in the crook of my neck, so I could feel the persons soft breaths. 

Wait, I fell asleep on....NO this can't possibly be... HOLY SHIT  HOLY MF SHIT 

I could also feel the other boys all staring right at us, and I knew my  face started heating up. 

By Jack's breathing, he was definitely still asleep. OK what am I supposed to do?? I decided to shift slightly, so maybe the movement would wake Jack up....nothing. Of course.

I mentally sighed to myself, here goes nothing. 

I slowly opened my eyes, like I haven't been awake for the past 5 minutes. My eyes met theirs, and they all had stupid smirks on their faces. "good morning sunshine." Alex smirked. I looked at them with a confused look, obviously I had to act like I had no idea what was going on, but in reality I REALLY do.

Cole pointed to Jacks arm that was around my waist, and my eyes widened when I looked down, 

great acting Lanes

I smiled weakly at them as I tried to pulls Jacks arm off from around my waist, which only caused him to grab me tighter. The guys laughed as I let out a huff of annoyance. Honestly I would normally want nothing more than to be in this position right now, but with all the guys watching, I'm petrified. 

"Help me." I whispered to the boys. "I don't know but does some morning sun tanning sound good to anyone else right now?" Trev asked. They all nodded in agreement, "yeah lets go do that." Quinn said. I glared at them and got my arm free so I could flip them off. 

"Good luck Laney." Brady laughed before heading upstairs. I hate them.

I sighed before shimming in Jacks grip, and turning over so I was now facing him. We were squeezing on the skinny couch, so my face was probably a centimeter away from his. Luckily he was a bit taller than me, so our lips weren't exactly too close

because you know, morning breathe

"Jack" I whispered. Nothing. "jackkk." I  whispered , this time lightly tapping his chest. He stirred a little, but just nuzzled closer to me. I couldn't help but smile, he was holding me like I was a teddy bear, and I loved it

I took my hand from his chest, and grabbed his shoulder, "Jack!" I said louder, shaking his arm. His eyes finally fluttered open. When our eyes met he instantly smiled, obviously not realizing our situation. 

I smiled weakly before motioning down at our position. He looked down as well, and it hit him. His eyes widened, and he quickly took his arm from around me, which caused me to roll off the couch and hit the floor.

I groaned, "ow" He quickly got off the couch and crouched down next to me. "Shit, I'm sorry Laney I didn't mean to make you fall." he said trying to hide the smile that was creeping on his lips. 

I let out a laugh, "you were supposed to wake me up when the movie ended." The tips of his ears started getting red, which I noticed happened when he was embarrassed. "well yeah, but when it ended you were knocked out. And you looked peaceful I didn't wanna wake you." He said.

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