Chapter 15

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"Happy Birthday Mija!"

I woke up to 3 very smiley faces peering over my bed. I rolled over and shoved my face in my pillow. "It's too early." I whined. "I told you she would be a pain in the you know what." I heard Mari say to my parents.

"Only kid in the world who doesn't like birthdays. What a weirdo." my dad muttered. I reached over my bed and flung a pillow at him. "Oh so she is awake" he laughed. I rolled back over and sat up, my eyes squinting from the light.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." Mari smirked. "Shut up, what time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes as I yawned. "It birthday time. Now Andale! (come on!) get up, you're going to enjoy your birthday." my mom ordered as she went around and opened my curtains.

I groaned and slumped back in bed. My mom left my room, and my dad came over to me, with a big smirk on his face. "Doesn't she know she's not allowed to be pushy on my day?" I asked. He laughed, "you wanna tell her that? We'll be waiting for you downstairs." he said as he patted my calf.

Once they were out of my room, Mari ran and closed the door, then jumped onto my bed. "Bitchhh you're 18!" she squealed as she shook my shoulders. I laughed as I grabbed her hands, "calm down you're gonna break me before I can even be 18."

I sat up and brushed a stray hair out of my face. "So what do you wanna do today?" she wiggled her eyes. I shrugged, "you know the same old. Just chill with you, maybe go to the mall." She rolled her eyes and let out an obnoxious sigh, "Laney that is so boring. We do that every year." she said.

"What? That's what I like to do." I laughed. "Mhm. Anyways, how's Jack?" she asked. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I tried to hide my big cheesy smile. "He's good. Really good." I said. She smirked, "Oh my God Lanes you're head over HEELS for him. Look at your dumbass face." she laughed.

I shoved her shoulder, "shut up." "Ok ok. But what are you guys?" she asked. My eyes widened and I quickly waved her off, "we're not together if that's what you think. He knows a huge part of my past now, and he respects what I've gone through. He knows that I'm not necessarily ready to start dating again. Right now we're just working on really getting to know each other." I explained.

The night that I had that huge breakdown and my first date with Jack, was about 2 months ago. A lot has changed between us since then. I still like him, but after that night I realized that I still wasn't ready to get back into the dating thing. And before that night, we had just known each other for about a month. So right now we're just working on getting to know each other better. We still talk and FaceTime every night, but the boys have been super busy with hockey. I haven't seen them in person for a while, and I hate to admit it, but I miss those nerds.

"Well, honestly good for you honey. You gotta do what's best for you. But just so you know, when you are ready to get back into the dating thing, Jack is definitely the one." she said. Now I really couldn't hide my smile.

"Well, I think we should get down there before your mom kills us." Mari said . I groaned before getting out of bed. I threw some sweatpants over my sleeping shorts, and checked my phone for the first time.

I had about 20 texts from "the bros" group chat, and about 100 from the USA boys snapchat group chat. I rolled my eyes, they're so extra sometimes. I had a bunch of texts from other people, and I was tagged in so many pictures on Instagram that I decided to respond to all of them later.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, but didn't bother fixing my bed head bun. I walked back into my room as I dried my hands on my sweatpants. "ready?" mari asked standing up. I nodded my head and we made our way downstairs.

We walked to the kitchen, but I stopped in the doorway. "you didn't." I said as I tried to hide my smile. The kitchen table was completely covered in food: pancakes, French toast, bacon, cinnamon rolls, literally everything.

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