chapter 7

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I plugged my phone back up and skipped downstairs. "Mommy?" I asked in the sweetest voice. She paused and looked at me a while, "What do you want?" She raised her eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, "Excuse me am I not allowed to talk sweetly to my mother without wanting something?" I asked knowing damn well I want something.

She laughed, "Just lay it on me." She said. I couldn't hide my smile, she knows me too well. "Well, since we just got the pool cleaned, I was wondering if I could have some friends over? This might be one of the last nice days before fall." I looked at her with hopeful eyes. There is no way she's saying yes.

She just shrugged and turned back around to finish the dishes, "sure why not?" She respond. My mouth dropped, the one time I wouldn't mind her saying no, she says yes. "Do I know any of them?" She asked.

Shit, I had to bring at least one person she knows, or she'll probably be pissed. Well, she knows Brady, but that won't really help my case will it? And I cannot bring all boys she would flip. 

"Laney?" my mom snapped me out of my thoughts. "Mari's gonna come. You may know one other person but thats about." I blurted out, and my eyes widened. Shit I just have not asked Mari if she wants to come

My mom nodded, "Ok thats fine. I'll make cookies for everyone!" She said excitedly. I groaned, "mom you don't have to." "Shh, I'll do what I want in my own house thank you very much." She sassed. I put my hands up in surrender, "ok ok sheesh." I joked.

I was about to turn and run upstairs, before a thought crossed my mind, "Where's dad?" I asked. Please let him leave before they get here. "He ran to the store with the landscaping guys. He should be back soon." She said.

I mentally groaned before running back upstairs. I quickly responded in the group chat that they could come over. They sent about 20 messages saying 'yay' which made me roll my eyes. I sent them my address, then made my way to my closet to pick out an outfit.

I picked out a cheeky white bikini that had a bunch of little palm trees on it. I chose white to bring out my tan, obviously. I put some jean shorts and a brandy Melville crop top over it.  As I spritzed on perfume, I realized, "oh shit Marianna" I said out loud.

I ran to where my phone was and quickly called my best friend. "Hell-" "Mari I need you to come over right now!" I cut her off. She laughed, "slow down cowboy whats up?" "Ya know the boys that I posted with? the cute hockey players that I've been telling you about?" I asked. "Yeah what about them?"

"THEY"RE COMING OVER RIGHT NOW!" I yelled frantically. "Laney im sorry WHAT? All of them?" "YES Mari. They said they were bored and wanted to come over for my pool and stuff. I mean we're friends like they're cool and stuff, but I cannot have just boys over my parents will freak."

She sighed, "Laney I'm not sure Ryan would like the idea of me hanging with a bunch of hockey players." She said with a hint of laughter in her voice. Ryan is her boyfriend of 3 years, everyone knows they're getting married.

"Oh shut up Ryan can suck it up. Please Mari I need you to come. Help a sista out." I whined. She let out an obnoxious breath, "Fiiiiine, I'll be there in like 30. Actually, make that an hour I'm in the middle of a gossip girl episode." I rolled my eyes, "ok fine. Thanks love you Marianna!" I said before hanging up. PHEW that would've been bad.

I decided on not wearing makeup, since ya know, pool and everything. If it wasn't for my summer tan, I would probably looked like a naked rat without makeup. As I was finishing putting on deodorant, my phone started ringing.

I looked at the caller ID and it was.... Brady? "Brady, how the hell did you get my number?" I asked. "Oh, I asked Matt. Anyway, I think you gave us the wrong address. I think we're at like the presidents house or something." He said.

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