Chapter 1

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^Laney Mitchell

Laney's POV


I groaned as i rolled over in bed to turn my alarm off on my phone. I squeezed my eyes back shut, trying to fall back asleep and escape back to the amazing dream I was having. I groaned loudly and banged my head against my pillow, having no luck of falling back asleep.

I reached for my phone, and the brightness of the screen made my eyes squint. I answered some snapchats, not caring that I looked like a gremlin in every picture I took, no wonder I don't get boys. I switched to twitter, and the first post that i saw:

@uclawomensvb: Great day for morning workouts! Last day of that summer grind getting ready for the fall season. Don't forget to get your season tickets for home games. First game is next week, on September.5!

That horribly sad feeling that I've been feeling lately automatically came back. I had about 8 hours of not thinking about it, and they were the best 8 hours of my life. 8 hours of happiness. Gone. 

I quickly unfollowed their page, unsure as to why I didn't do it as soon as everything went down with them. 

I looked at the time on my phone, and It read 9:00. "I should probably get in the shower now." I said out loud to myself. I've been spending a lot of time alone recently, so I tend to talk to myself a lot.

After about 5 minutes of just zoning out looking at my wall, I finally decided to get up and start my day. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. I took off my clothes, and looked at the new huge scar that ran vertically up my kneecap.

I looked at it in disgust for a while until I noticed my bathroom filling up with steam. I stepped into the burning hot shower, not even flinching as it hit my body. Most people can't handle their showers being this hot, but it's the only way I can shower.

I let the water hit my body and closed my eyes. 

"I'm sorry, you just will never be as good as you once were. We can't have a  below average player on the roster. And thats just what you'll be after your surgery."

That sentence seemed to always find its way back into my mind, constantly replaying in my head, and making me feel like shit. I shook the thought away and poured some shampoo in my hand, and lathered it in my hair...

I stood in front of my closet, with my towel wrapped tightly around my chest and another wrapped around my hair.  "Let's see. You're only going to Starbucks, so you don't have to look too good. But then again it's the last day of summer you might run into someone." I mumbled to myself as I flipped through my hangers.

I finally decided on a black cropped top from unif that had a 3/4 length zipper in the front, grey lululemon leggings, and white fuzzy socks crew socks. After I got changed, I walked over to my vanity. I put a couple drops of my vitamin c serum, then moisturizer on my face. If I care about anything in life, it's skincare.

I analyzed myself in the mirror. I had a pretty decent tan left from when we went to Miami for summer break. I had slight sunburn that ran across my freckles on my nose and cheeks, which only made them more noticeable. Way more noticeable. I rolled my eyes. I would normally cover them up, but I had no breakouts today, and I do NOT want to risk getting any by putting makeup on.

I just put a shit ton of mascara on, because without It my eyeballs look naked. I popped on some lip gloss, put on a shit ton of deodorant, some perfume, and some little diamond earrings I got for my birthday.

My hair finally dried enough to look decent, so I just left it natural. I threw on my white hightop vans, my fuzzy socks being slightly visible, and made my way downstairs. 

My dad was at the table drinking coffee and reading his newspaper. When I appeared in the kitchen, he didn't even look up to acknowledge me. I rolled my eyes, what a prick. 

My mom must've saw what I did, because she looked at me with an apologetic smile. "Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep?" She asked. "pretty good." I said. She looked at me with an unconvinced look. "Are you sure? No pain or-" I cut her off. "I said I slept fine mom." I sighed.

She looked at me while before turning and finishing up whatever she was cooking. "Are you gonna eat." She asked. "No, I'm gonna head to Starbucks right now. I have to enroll into all the classes and stuff." I said as I walked to where my backpack was hanging.

"Oh ok. Hey just be careful out there ok. Remember what Ms. Rachel said about no-" I cut my mom off again as I walked back into the kitchen. 

"God mom I know what Ms. Rachel said. I was there. The injury happened to ME remember? I know about everything I have to be careful of. You don't have to constantly remind me of every little thing about MY injury." I snapped. I instantly felt bad, but I didn't regret it. 

After what happened to me, I feel like I'm being suffocated in my own home. My dad just scoffed, never taking his eyes off of the news paper. Let me rephrase, I feel suffocated by my mom. I'm completely ignored by my dad, which I think I like more than being babied.

I sighed and turned my head, not looking at my mom. "I'll be back later." I said, and quickly waked out of the door. 

As soon as I stepped outside, I was smacked by the disrespectful weather, which made me even more mad than I already was. I was about to go back inside, but I realized I couldn't face my mom again. Not after snapping at her like I did. 

"Fuck it, you'll barely be outside anyway." I said to myself, and continued to walk to my car. I had to walk all the way to the end of our 4 car garage because my dad decided to be an ass and move my car all the way over there.

I stared at the big garage, then to the obnoxiously gigantic house that I lived in. I despised them both. My parents only care about material things. Which is something I've noticed lately, after what happened to me. 

I sighed and got in the drivers seat of my car, and quickly blasted the heat as high as I could. I waited a while, rubbing my hands together to keep them warm while I waited for my car to heat up. So much for it being the last day of summer, it's freezing.

Before I pulled out of the drive way, I hooked up my bluetooth and put on the only person who could calm me down when I felt this way, Christian Leave

Once his first song came on, I automatically relaxed. I closed my eyes a second, and sighed, just taking in his beautiful voice. 

Now I was ready to go. I never used to do that, ever. But I've changed a lot since April 12th. That day changed me, probably for good.

I opened my eyes again, and finally put my car in drive. I pulled out of my enormous driveway, and made my way to Starbucks. 

Please let my day get better. 

LOLLL I'm starting yet ANOTHEr book, shocker. Lol but I really hope you guys enjoy this one. Please comment and vote and check out my other stories if you have a chance. LOVE YOU GUYs!

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