They See Your Ex

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Hero- ask you were walking through the town of Helidore. Someone taped on your shoulder. You turned around to faced with your Ex-Boyfriend who cheated on you. "I miss you. I know you miss me too." he said grabbing your hand. Light was mad. He pushed him away from you and said "Well she does not miss you and she has a better boyfriend. She don't want no cheating bitch in her life." You looked at your ex who had a shock looked on his face. But he tried to hide it and he tried to act tough."What you just call me?" your ex said to Light. "I. SAID. SHE. DON'T. WANT. TO. BE. WITH. A. LITTLE. BITCH. LIKE. YOU." Light repented getting in your ex face. Your ex backed off. With that Light turned to you picked you up and cared you away. You looked at your Ex and stuck your tongue out at him.

Erik- the group walked out of the church after bringing Mia there. So she could rest. Erik looked very relife. The group decided to walk around and make sure everything was back to normal. As you and Erik were walking around Niflheim you felt someone grab your waist and pulled you towards them. "You really think you could get away from me that easily. Stupid good-for-nothing bitch." You immediately recognize that voice. It was the voice of your Ex-Boyfriend who beat you badly. You told Erik all about him and Erik saw the look on your face. He knew it was him and he didn't waste no time starting a fight. Erik was holding the guy down by his neck and punching him repeatedly. The guy was out cold. Erik wrapped his arm around you and you two walked off.

Sylvando- Sylvando was your first boyfriend. So he didn't have to worry about an Ex-boyfriend try to get back with you.

Veronica- your Ex-girlfriend that cheated on you with a boy walked up to you one day in Arboria. "I miss you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me-" she began to say but was cut off by Veronica shouting at her "IF SHE WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU, THEN WHY WOULD YOU CHEAT ON HER!?!? YOUR A NO GOOD PERSON THAT ONLY WANTS TO START TROUBLE IN MY GIRLFRIEND'S LIFE! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!" you had to pull Veronica away before she harmed your ex.

Serena- Serena was usually a nice, quiet, laid back girl. Never ever yells. Never cussed at all And no one would ever think that she would threatened anyone or anything. That changed one day while the group was walking through Hotto. When your Ex-boyfriend saw you and decided to try and win you back. But you wanted nothing to do with him because he had raped you and beated you. He started walking towards you when Serena saw him. You told her everything about him and what he did to you. Serena grabbed Erik's Knife and pointed it at him when he got close. "TURN. BACK. NOW. AND. I. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. SEE. YOUR. FUCKING. PATHETIC. ASS. EXCUSE. FOR. A. HUMAN. TO. LIVE. AGAIN!! AND. DON'T. EVER. THINK. ABOUT. GETTING. BACK. WITH. (Y/N). AGAIN! BECAUSE. IT. IS. NEVER. FUCKING. GOING. TO. HAPPEN!!! YOU. GOT. THAT. BITCH!!! NOW. BACK. THE. FUCK. UP!!!" She said to him. Her voice wasn't sweet and innocent as before, it was cold, emotionless, filled with anger, and bitterness. Your ex ran away as fast as he could. Serena lowed the knife, turned to the group and handed the knife back to Erik. The group was in shock and surprised. They just stood there looking at Serena. And producing what just happened

Jade- she was not happy to see your ex trying to flirt with you. He had broken up with you after accusing you of cheating on him but not after trying to kill you. Which you didn't even cheat on him in the first place. She did her Revamp skill and let the inner demon out to handle this. She beaten him us worse that if she wasn't ReVamped. He was probably close to death. Because he was barely breathing. You had to pull her of of him before he was dead.

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