When Everybody Else Finds Out That You Guys Are Dating

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Hero- Everytime Light was around you he got googly eyes for you. So one day, while walking to Lonalulu, everyone noticed that Light had googly eyes for you.Veronica, being the loud mouth and outspoken girl she is, she said to Light "What are you staring at (y/n) for? You guys dating or something?" The word dating got everyone's attention and everyone stopped walking. Light had a beat red face, while you not being fazed at all turned to everyone and said "Yes. In fact we are dating." everyone was kind of shocked, except for Erik bien that he tried flirting with you once. Light was as red as a tomato, you just smiled and said "Now that everyone knows, we should get a move on."

Erik- the group noticed how you and Erik would show little signs of love and affection towards each other. When you two sat by each other during camp, how he would sometimes wrap an arm around you and glare at anyone who looked at you, how you would rest your head on his shoulder when you guys were sitting in camp. You know little things like that. So one night when the group took camp, everyone was sitting close to the fire and your head was resting on Erik's shoulder. Jade spoke up and asked "So not to be nosey are rude, but are you two dating?" Everyone looked at you guys waiting for on answer. "Yeah. we are dating." Erik finally said. Everyone smiled.

Sylvando- Everybody has been noticing that you and Sylvando didn't show the sign of just a you two being friends, but the signs that you guys were dating. So one day while walking, Serena walked up to Sylvando and asked if you guys were dating. Sylvando decided that it was time to tell everyone. "Everyone I have an announce to make!" he said getting everyone's attention. "Do to the popular question concerning about me and (y/n) relationship im here to give an answer. Yes me and (y/n) are dating." The group clapped while your face when beat red.

Veronica- Being the confident, loud, and outspoken girls in the group. The day after you two started dating, you both told everyone. They all accepted it. And were happy for the two of you.

Serena- Veronica noticed that Serena and you have become really close and spending a lot of time together. So when the group arrived at Puerto Valor the question was burning inside of her. She had to know if you guys were dating. So while walking through the town she just blurted out to her sister "ARE YOU AND (Y/N) DATING?" the group stopped and looked at you, Serena, and Veronica. You and Serena had a beat red face. Serena finally spoke up telling her everyone almost in a whisper "Yes we are." Sylvando was the first one to break the silence. "Guys don't stare at poor (y/n) and Serena. It's embarrassing and scary to say that your dating someone, let alone dating someone of the same gender. So we should be happy for them." the words sank into the groups mind. They all still loved you guys and they thought that you two made a great couple. Thanks to Sylvando.~

Jade- almost like Veronicas, except Jade was the one to tell everybody leaving you with a red face.

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