I rush inside with them and know the drill by now so I don't even attempt to go into the doors that hold me back from the love of my life. I go in the hallway I always find myself in and pace back in forth,my hands tugging at my hair harshly. My phone vibrates from my pocket and I quickly pull it out and see a text from Louis.

Where are you? Hope you are talking to Rose😏

Can't talk right now, at hospital. Will explain later. -CEO Harry Style

Wait what? Is everything ok? Is the baby ok? Is Rose?

I can't talk right now, will explain later. -CEO Harry Styles

I lock my phone before putting it back in my pocket. A doctor calling my name making me rush over to him.

"How is she?"

"She is fine, bullet only grazed the top of her shoulder so we had to stitch it up." I sigh out of relief.

"Is the baby ok?" He smiles before nodding and I relax a little.

"The baby is ok, nothing harmed it." I relax more. "She is awake, would you like to see her." I nod hastily and he leads me down the familiar hall before we enter the room identical to the other ones. I see her on the bed in a hospital gown, sitting up, looking tired. I rush over to her and kiss her forehead.

"We gotta stop meeting here." I say, attempting to chuckle a little and lighten the mood, but all it does is make her cry. I sit on the bed and pull her into me, her head resting on my chest,my hands going in her hair.

"I'm so sorry for pushing you away and believing the articles. I was just so mad and confused and-" I cut her off by kissing her lips. The lips I missed so much now mold with mine and I grab her chin making her look up at me when she pulls away.

"It's fine Rose, I understand. It's over now." She weakly smiles and kisses me once more, making me smile.

"I love you Harry, so much, more than you will ever know."

"I love you Rose." I pull her back into my chest and she lightly cries. We are alone for a little, her head on my chest, her crying now subsiding and her now sniffling here and there before we hear a knock at the door. I turn and see a detective standing there,a note pad in hand.

"I'm detective scott and I wanted to ask you a few question." Rose nods before he walks in. "First off did you know your attacker." Rose shakes his head but I nod.

"I do, she is my old assistant." He writes that down.

"Do you know how she entered the house?" Rose shakes her head and I do as well. He asks a few more questions before leaving us alone. Rose yawns and I look down at her.

"Tired?" I whisper in her ear, my voice raspy from being tired myself. She nods and I readjust so we can lay down. "Go to bed baby." She leans her head on my shoulder and her arm goes around my waist. My right arm going onto her stomach. "Strong one we have here." She laughs tiredly and nods. I kiss her forehand and pull the thin blanket up more. It doesn't take her long to fall asleep, I pull out my phone and text Louis, and mum, explaining what happened before reassuring them it is ok. I kiss the top of her forehead before turning my head back to the Telly on the wall, my eyelids get heavier and I fall asleep soon.

Styles INC [edited]Where stories live. Discover now