t h i r t y o n e

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Harry's POV (December 5)
(AN listen to sign of the times while reading this. Ok bye)

Sirens. I hear sirens finally. My body hurts and I can't move. The car is rolled on its side, Roses side to be exact. I'm dangling in my seat looking down. I can see my unconscious Rose and tears start streaming down my face.

"Rose," I croak out, my arm goes to reach for her and I shake her. Her dress torn, glass in her hair, a big gash on her forehead, cuts on her legs, and bleeding from her arm. "Come on Baby. Please wake up. I need you Rose. Come on baby."

"Hello!" I hear a voice call out but I don't pay attention until I see a fire truck in front of us. "Got one survivor." The man tells his radio.

"Sir we are gonna flip the car now hold on." Slowly but surely they gently flip the car. I am now sitting up right, I wiggle my legs and groan in pain when I feel a pain in my left leg. I look and see a piece of glass in my leg. I look over at Rose ignoring my body and examine her. She is barely breathing, her chest slowly moving up and down, her body all cut. I start to cry harder, pounding my fist against the wheel. I hear a loud machine then soon my door is off and they go to her side.

"Help her please! She's pregnant for fucks sake!" They pull her out and put her on a stretcher identical to mine. I try pushing them off to go and get to her but they push me down.

"I am fine damnit!" I yell and push them off limping over to Rose.

"Sir you need to go back to the other paramedics." A lady tells her but I don't listen, I climb in and she sighs before bringing Rose in. I cry even harder silently at her state. The hook her up to so many machines and it scares me. We start to drive and they hook her up to a heart monitor. They keep moving around doing things to her. Once we get to the hospital the heart monitor goes flat.

"She's flatlining." We stop and they rush out, running her stretcher into the hospital. It disappears and I stumble out a mess. My suit jacket long gone, my shirt untucked, blood staining it, and my pants ripped here and there.

"Sir you need to get examined." A doctor tells me and I don't protest. To weak to move, to weak so speak. He ushers me inside and sits me on an examination table. They start to bandage me up and take the glass out of my leg, warning me it'll hurt. But I don't feel anything, I'm too numb. Once I'm done I rush out trying to find Rose.

"Where's Rose! Rose Fisher!" I yell at the front desk lady.

"Sir she is in surgery you can't go back there right now." I walk away and go in an empty hallway, I slide down the wall and start to sob. The kind of sob where your body shakes, you can't breathe, and your throat hurts. I reach in my pocket and pull out my phone. The small velvet box falling out when I do so. The promise ring I was gonna give her shines in the light when I open it. I snap the box shut and go on my now cracked phone. I dial Niall's number and tell him to get to the hospital and bring the boys, I need them with me right now. Soon they all rush in and see me in my numb state, their eyes wide, and there faces full of pity and wonder.

"What happened?" Zayn asks rushing over to me.

"We-we got in a wreck and and I-I tried," my voice breaks and tears stream down my face. "Damnit, I tried to save her." They all pull me in a hug and I sob more. Not even caring they are gonna see me cry.

"Is she-is she still..um..alive?" Louis hesitantly asks.

"I don't know, they won't tell me shit. She is in surgery."

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