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Roses POV (January 6)

Today is the day of my appointment. My stomach has grown a lot in the last three weeks, and my morning sickness has not let up. I remember when it kept getting bigger and Harry would pull out the camera and document it. He is so excited that my stomach is finally more than a little bump, meanwhile I'm happy, but I'm not. I have had to start wearing looser clothes to work. And people are starting to notice, specially Danny. We spent the day after Christmas together and we have gone out to eat multiple times, we talk all the time, we are still best friends.

Currently I'm in my office waiting for the clock to strike two so I can leave. Harry is coming with me and I am very happy about that. Can't believe it's already been two months since I started growing this little human in me. My hand goes to my stomach and rubs a little,the blouse and skirt I'm wearing today doing a good job at hiding my bump. When I start to thumb through some files in walks Danny,his eyes flicker to my stomach before his eyes come back to me. He repeats that a couple more times and I have by now moved my hand off.

"Stand up." He demands and I sigh before obliging. I knew I would have to tell him I just didn't know how,so I guess this works. "Now turn and lift your shirt." I do so and he gasps. "Rose!" He comes closer to me. "You are pregnant!" He whispers a little harshly and I hesitantly nod. His hand goes to my stomach and I flinch a little,not used to anyone but Harry's hand touching my stomach. "Sorry I just wanted to touch it." I giggle and grab his hand to put it back. 

"It's fine,I'm just not used to others touching it." He nods and then looks up at me again.

"How long?" He questions.

"Two months and some odd days." He sighs and pops a squat in a chair while I fix my shirt.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He questions and I shrug.

" I was scared and didn't want you to leave me because of this." I rub my stomach and smile down at it. "But also because I didn't know how to tell you. And was having a tough time with Harry." He nods but tenses at the last part.

"What did he do? I remember him being a mess in the hospital when I visited you while you were out."

"He just yelled but then when I woke up later that day we saw the little thing and heard it's heartbeat. And he started warming up to it. It took him a couple days to finally realize what happened and now he's fine. He loves my bump more than me I swear." I chuckle and Danny laughs a little.

"Well if he ever does anything to you,you tell me. I will help you out,same with Alissa." I nod and smile.

"Thank you Danny." He smiles before his eyes fall back down on my stomach.

"How did I not notice this before?! I had suspicions but still!" I giggle and shrug. I glance at the clock and see it is one thirty.

"Well Danny boy I have to finish some work up before I leave to go to my appointment. So I will see you later." He nods before coming around and hugging me. He leans down and looks at my stomach.

"See you water wittle baby." He says in a baby voice. I laugh and ruffle his hair. He pouts and fixes it before walking out. I grab a few files and walk into Harry's office,Louis is in there and I jump at his presence,not expecting him.

"Hi sexy momma." Harry says while getting up and coming to me, I giggle and he kisses my cheek.

"Hi handsome,and his Louis. What a pleasant surprise." He laughs and looks at my stomach for a second. Does everyone think/now I'm pregnant!?

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