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Harry's POV (November 1)

"Hello can I have a reservation for two?" I question the hostess.

"Yes sir, would you like the private room like usual."

"Yes please, thank you." I hang up shortly after. I just made a reservation for me and Rose at the shard. We haven't been having dinner as much recently because I am doing the final preparations for the merge. You can never get anything done with the boys so the date was set back a week. So tonight I wanted to take her to dinner to say I'm sorry. But we have been texting a ton, so I guess that makes up for it.

"Karen, could you come in her please?" After I hear a 'yes sir' I put the phone back down. Shortly after Karen comes in. Karen has blonde hair, and blue eyes, she is also on the taller side. She has been with me for awhile and even though she is my receptionist we don't really talk.

"Could you put this in Roses office?" I hold up the white box with a red bow on top.

"Yes sir, anything else?" I shake my head.

"Nope that is all thank you." She nods and walks out of my office and I go back to work.

In that box is a red, silk dress I saw Rose eyeing when we went shopping two days ago. She refused to let my buy her anything so I had to sneak in this dress. See this is why I appreciate Rose, most girls would have me buy them a whole new wardrobe but not my Rose. She refused to let me buy her anything. We even had to argue about who bought the food, I ended up winning of course.

A couple minutes later I hear my office door open and high heels hit the floor harshly.

"Harry Edward Styles, what is this?" She sets the box on my desk. I push my keyboard away and lean back in my chair, clasping my hands together.

"That my angel would be the dress you liked at the mall." I reply calmly.

"Harry why did you buy this. I hate when you buy me things, I know you have money but I don't want you to think I'm in it for the money." She looks up at me with her honey eyes and I smile back at her. I stand up and wrap my hands around her waist, pulling her into my body. She puts her head on my chest and I kiss the top of her forehead.

"I know Rose," I reassure her. "But I got you that to wear tonight for our date." She lifts her head and cocks an eyebrow.

"Well I don't like when you buy me stuff because I feel bad when anyone buys me stuff. But, date?"

"Yes, you know, like we go out for dinner together and talk." I chuckle while she rolls her eyes.

"Well yes, I know what a date is smart ass I just didn't know you had planned one." I chuckle at her words and hold her tighter to me.

"Well yeah that's because it's a surprise. I also wanted to apologize for being super busy recently and I wanted to treat you because you have been working very hard." She smiles up at me and kisses my nose. I scrunch my nose up when she does so and she giggles at my reaction.

" I appreciate that, baby. Thank you."I smile and lean down to kiss her. She pulls away after a little bit when we hear a knock at the door.

"Mr.Styles the monthly reports are in." Danny walks in looking down till he looks up and stares at Rose.

"Thanks, Danny, put them on my desk." I cock my head to the direction of my desk and he sets them down.

Styles INC [edited]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora