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Roses POV (August 20)

As I hop out of the cab, that took me five minutes to wave down, I make my way upstairs. As I get up there I freak out about not having a key. But then I realize it doesn't even need a key. It's a passcode.

Wow so high tech Danny boy.

I type in the code, which is my birthday, and make my way inside. I kick off my Vans and open the fridge to look for a water bottle. It is getting to be fall in London right now but it is a little hot today. I crack open the bottle and take a large swig.

After lounging around I start to feel gross so I hop in the shower. After my mini concert in the shower I get out and continue to sing and dance in the hallways. But stop when I see a familiar figure in front of me.

"Nice moves Rose. I gotta hand it to you, I am surprised your clumsy ass didn't fall."Danny says.

"Ok first off freak you. Second off, bug off." Danny chuckles and goes in my room and flops on my bed. He starts messing with the tv and cable box to get it to work. I walk into my close and put on some silk navy blue shorts, a plain white t, and some undergarments. As I walk back into the bathroom to brush my teeth I hear Danny yell for me.

"Rose! I have good news!"Danny smiles up at me after I walk in my room.

"What?" I question.

"Your amazing best friend go you the interview!" Danny exclaims with a happy glint in his eyes. I hop on the bed and hug him.

"Thank you Danny. I love you so very much." I say squeezing him.

"Ok tap out, tap out. You are squeezing the life outta me."I mumble a quick apology and start freaking out trying to think of what to wear. Thank god I brought my only pencil skirt. It is black and a nice length. And I also have a nice, white blouse that I could wear. "Ok this works," I think to myself.

"Ok I think I have this figured out but just in case holler for me." Danny says snapping me out of my worrying state when he drills my TV mount into the wall.

"Thanks again Danny. For everything. I have no clue where I would be without you."

"Probably back in that crappy town. I can't believe we grew up there." Danny chuckles after he finishes and I join. "I can't believe you stayed after I came back here. I'm sorry for leaving you, Rose." He frowns but I shake my head and give him a tight lipped smile.

"I know but at least we are out." He nods slowly and it goes silent for a moment. "Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed. He told you what time the interview is tomorrow right?" I question.

"Yes, eight am." Danny tells me while fixing a couple pictures I asked him to hang.

"Ok thanks Danny boy. Goodnight, sweet dreams." I blow a kiss at him childishly and he pretends to catch it.

"Goodnight Rosey posey." I roll my eyes when he walks out hating the nickname. It gives to many bad memories.


"Mommy and Daddy love you so much baby girl." My mother looks at me as my tears start to leak out of my eyes.

"Please don't go mommy. Why can't I go with. Jake is going why can't I go?" I question my mother.

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