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Harry's POV (October 13)

"Hi." I awkwardly say to her. She smiles at me and Danny looks at us confused.

"I'll see you guys inside?" He says but it comes out as questions. Rose looks over to the door indicating for him to go. He hurriedly types in the code and walks in, stumbling on his own two feet. I chuckle and Rose looks at me laughing as well.

"So um, I mean this is the nicest way possible, but what are you doing here?" She questions looking at me strangely.

"I thought I would surprise you and make that dinner I was talking about." I tell her. She looks at me surprised before she smiles.

"Oh, alright. Sure. Can I run inside and change real quick? As much as I love the dress," she gestures down to her black tight dress adjusting it a little bit. "I would love to get out of it." I nod understandingly and we walk inside soon after. We walk in and she leads me to her room. Her room is very nice and clean, and it smells like vanilla. I would expect for her room to be clean. Her desk always is always very tidy, she even comes in my office sometimes just to clean mine.

She walks into her closet and quickly changes while I sit on the bed. She comes out wearing a yellow v-neck paired with some light wash jeans that fit her ass nicely if I do say so myself, and she has a pair of yellow vans in her hands. She grabs a white scrunchie and throws her hair up in a messy, but somehow neat, ponytail.

"Ok I am good to go," She says looking at me while I stare at her in awe. "What,do I have something on my face?" She questions as she runs over to the mirror by her door. Giving me a good view of her bum while she leans forward.

"Nothing love. You are just stunning without even trying." I smile at her while I see her try to hide her blush in the mirror.

"Why thank you. I really appreciate that." She bends over and starts putting on her vans. I groan a little bit and try to contain myself. But it's so hard around her. Once she is done I thank god, because if she would have kept bending over I would have taken her then and there.

"Are you ready? Do you have everything?" I question looking around making sure she has everything.

"Yep." She says popping the P.

We walk out and I wave at Danny while she hugs him. I clench my jaw at the sight of it. Not liking her interact with other males.

Harry control yourself she isn't even your yet and that is her best friend.

When she pulls away I unclench my jaw and open the door for her. I put my hand on the small of her back, leading her into the elevator. Once we are outside I greet Carl and he opens the door for us. Her sliding in first, me going in right next to her. She yawns once we get in. We have about forty-five minutes before we get to my house. I lean over close to her ear.

"You can lay your head on my shoulder. We have a bit till we get to my house." I tell her putting my hand on her thigh. She thanks me and puts her head on my shoulder making my body warm up. About ten minutes into the drive I feel myself drifting off. My head leaning on top of hers.

"Mr.Styles, Mr.Styles, we are here." Carl informs me. Me lifting my head off Roses looking up and thanking him. I turn to look at her thinking how cute she is when she sleeps. She has her mouth a little bit open and the tiniest of snores coming out of her mouth.

"Rose, Rose darling. It's time to get up we are here." I say shaking her thigh a little bit. Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. A cute little yawn comes from her lips.

"I fell asleep again. I am so sorry." She apologizes I just laugh and lean down to kiss her forehead.

"It's alright love. I know I have been putting a lot of your plate recently." I reassure her. "And I fell asleep as well." I smile at her and she gives me a small one back at my words. We get out of the car and I take her hand leading her inside.

"Ok so I know I said I would make dinner. But you are tired, and I am tired. So how about I order us some pizza and we can watch a movie. I know it's not the most extravagant and crazy thing."I tell her hesitantly, afraid of how she would react.

"Harry, that sounds like a dream. I would love that. I don't need some big five course meal and extravagant set up. I am fine with greasy pizza and a movie. I prefer that actually." She smiles at me and reaches up to peck me on the lips. I smile and think to myself how I am gonna ask her now.

"Alright, I go order it,you go pick out a movie, sound like a plan?," she nods and smiles."What do you want on your pizza? Is cheese ok?"I question.

"That's my favorite, so yes." She looks at me and smiles again then turns around. She stops once she realize she has no clue how to get around my house. So I quickly show her the way to the media room. The media room is right off of the kitchen. It has multiple couches that are all mismatch but go together somehow, and a large projector. I grab some blankets and put them on one of the loveseats. She makes her way over to the large shelf full of random movies.

I go back to the kitchen, grabbing my phone and call up a local pizza shop. After ordering one large pizza I make my way back into the media room to see Rose trying to reach a movie. I chuckle at her struggling and go behind her. My right hand touching her waist lightly while the other easily reaches up to grab "the hangover."

"Pizza will be her in fifteen, love." I Inform her. She thanks me and I go and put the movie in. I make my way back to the couch she is on. She lifts the large, white fluffy blanket up, gesturing for me to slide in underneath. I do so and instantly feel so much warmer. It's not even the blanket, it's her. She just makes me feel are warm and fuzzy, and I like it.

She leans into my chest and I kiss the top of her head. This just feels so natural. It feels like I have known her forever. The movie begins and not long after the pizza arrives. I bring it in and we each grab a slice. During the movie we each laugh a ton and eat probably too much.

Towards the end I notice her drifting off. I carry her bridal style and bring her to my room.

"Would you like to stay Rose? It is pretty late and you are very tired, and tomorrow is Saturday." I ask hopeful.

"Are you sure about that?" She asks.

"A hundred percent, love." I smile cheekily at her.

"Do you, um, have a change of clothes I could wear?" She shyly asks.

"Of course, give me a minute." I walk into my closet and open my shirt drawer. Taking out a plain black shirt. I then go to my boxer drawer and grab a pair of Calvin Klein's. I walk back and hand her the clothes. She thanks me again and goes in the en-suite. i quickly strip from my jeans and throw on some grey sweatpants. When she comes out I inhale sharply. She looks so good in my clothes. She laughs at my reaction.

"Rose I have a question," I start. Already scared." This isn't how I wanted to ask this,I had this planned out but it just didn't work so I am so sor-." She interrupts me.

"Harry it's ok. What is it?" She asks giggling.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"I ask her looking into her eyes searching for a reaction.

Awe, he finally asked! Don't forget to comment and vote! Check out my story arduous!

Edited August 14, 2019

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