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Harry's POV (September 27)

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Harry's POV (September 27)

"Please do, I am so hungry." She says giggling a little bit.

She looks so pretty right know. The sun catching her just right. Her hair is now up into a ponytail. She laughs at my terrible knock knock jokes and I appreciate her even more for that. Everyone thinks my jokes are stupid but she finds them hilarious for some reason.

"I have a question?" I ask her seriously. She looks at me a little nervous.

"And I might have an answer." She replies.

"Why did you move to the UK?" I notice her face fall a little bit. And I instantly regret asking.

"I um, I just needed to restart. My life sucked back in the states. Maybe in a little bit I'll tell you." She replies. I just nod, respecting her answer.

"Well everyone needs a redo sometimes." She smiles up at me making me smile back. We start asking each other even more random questions, reminding me of the masquerade. I found out her favorite color is yellow. She enjoys old music but she also can "get down" to some rap music, and she loves Italian food, it is her favorite.

"Seriously though, how could you not love Italian?" She giggles at me and I just shake my head.

"Italian food is the best. It is good for anytime of day." I reply. It goes silent for a little bit, both of our gazes on the lake. " You wanna go walk around the lake for a little bit. I'll go put this stuff up in the car real quick." I ask her.

"Yes, it is so beautiful. That would be great." I smile at her and get up, gathering the blanket and picking up the basket. I jog to the car and put all the stuff up. Then I grab my camera. I jog back and snap a picture while she isn't pay attention. She is staring at the lake with her hair flowing a little bit in the wind and a smile on her face.

"Beautiful."I mumble.

"Did you say something?" She asks while turning around.

"Huh no. No I didn't. Let's start walking before it gets to dark." She nods her head and I put my camera around my neck.

"Gosh I can't get over how pretty it is. I love the city, but when you come out here to places like this it is refreshing." She sighs after she is done talking, I nod along to her words.

"I agree, I come out here quite often. It is nice to just sit here and take a break from all the hustle and bustle of the city." She looks up at me and nods. I snap a few photos of the lake. Sneaking in a few of her.

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